Our first Rp - Chapter 2 - Alaina0234 (2024)

Chapter Text

A ship fell past them in remarkable speed,

Celia calls out for Heimdall to go along with the others, they shall handle it from here.
He nods his head climbs onto the spacecraft.
Hela raise a hand of hers causing a spear to enter the ship,
Celia cuss watching as skeletons began to climb up the spacecraft, she was about to run towards the craft before she heard Midgardian semi automatic guns blast through the air.
Celia rush into the fray of battle once she seem the Asgardians people were safe, a loud roar of Hela name was heard while blast of guns filled the air...
She saw for a moment a scowl on her face until she saw her throw a sword into a man heart killing him.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The fight between them continued, then thor stepped ahead, "Hela! Enough! You want Asgard? It's yours!" he shouted.
"Whatever game you're playing, it won't work. You can't defeat me" Hela smirked.
"no, but he can"
The city explode and Surtur emerge from it. He started to destroy Asgard with his sword, then he roared and started to increase his size.
"Tremble before me Asgard! For I am your reckoning!"
Hela turned and started to fight Surtur, until he defeated her, destroying everything it left.
Hulk tried to stop him but they didn't let him.
"Let's go" Valkyrie shouted, Hulk pick up the three of them and jumped up towards the ark.
Once Hulk reached the Ark Nat realized that the Commodore didn't returned. That moment it hit her, she felt like Thor shot her with a blast of feelings and emotions, without saying anything she teleported herself to Asgard vaults.
She got there, the place was on fire, about to collapse.
"Loki!!!" she called him, using her powers to move the rubbish so she can find him.
December 11, 2018

He jump, he did not believe anyone would come after him...
He hide the cube in another realm, he shall use it if he sees a situation which he deems necessary...
He followed where he heard the woman voice, was it "Natalia!" He called out into the castle which was about to collapse in any mere moment, he must be quick.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She followed his voice, "If I get killed fir saving you I sweat I will haunt you forever" she said, then she saw him, without say nothing she grabbed him and then disappeared.
She felt the ground, she opened her eyes and they were on the Ark. She sighed relieved, she didn't thought that it could work. She realized she was still holding him, she stepped back, "Are you alright?" she asked
December 11, 2018

He stood up on his feet, he pay his armor down getting rid of the dust which he had collected in the castle vault...
He nod his head to her, "yes I am fine, thank you." He spoke his voice genuine.
He was surprised when he had heard her voice in the vault... He at most would believe it would be Celia coming to his rescue, but a woman whom he had forgotten had save him. He was more confuse on why?
He was certain he was not worth risking his life for...
"If I may ask, why did you save me?" He ask her softly, he was truly curious on the matter as well.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Tell him, you have to tell him, it is now or never" She thought, "I... I'm a good Samaritan" she spoke, "coward" she mentally said. It was the first time she felt something, she didn't knew how to handle it.
December 11, 2018

He gave her his signature smirk, his arms crossed over his chest. He walk over to her until he stood before her and bend down to her ear and whisper softly,
He was the God of lies, a simple lie like that could not hide the truth from him, it would merely be a small bump in the road for him to over come to learn the truth.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(Sorry that I'm taking so long to answer... It's just that my family and I are moving to a new house and today we started to take some things there)
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Her heart skipped a beat, she was one of the best spies in the world but she couldn't hide nothing from him. Then she thought a way to turn that situation to her faavor, she smirked, "What... Do you think that I am smitten?" she made emphasis on the last word.

Thor went to find his niece, he didn't saw her after Loki's trip to tge vaults, he didn't knew if his brother was alright, but without him there he was responsible for the girl.
December 11, 2018

He raised a brow to her, he was caught off used by the question, but none the less he kept his ground... He look her in the eyes... A smirk curl onto his lips.
Her reactions shall tell him if she is or isn't, "yes." He whisper to her...

Celia had once again change into a sleeveless lime green dress with her hair down, but a clover of a headband of sorts rest on her head... She was so worried over what may have happen to her father has cause her to began doing many to get her mind off of her father... She heard a knock she, "enter." Her voice firm as if she was not silently panicking over her father absence.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"And what if I was?" She asked him, still with confidence.

"How are you fealing Celia" Thor asked, he walked into the room, he hit his foot with a chair, he was still learning how to live with just one eye.
December 11, 2018

He smile down at her, she has yet to say anything other than to questions to him... He now believe he knew her true answer. He merely have to back her into a corner for herself to admit it to the world...
"you would be trying to hide it."

Celia rub the tattoo on her upper left arm, it was a nervous habit of her ever since she had first receive the tattoo on her arm... "Good, you?" She turn on her heel to see her uncle new eye patch...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She was hating this game, which she was losing, she hated herself in this moment. She was known to be a cold woman, mysterious and too clever, but now... She was nervous, insecure and she was losing. But what if he didn't feel the same, he was known as a playwr too so this could be just fun for him, she just needed to push a little button, she remembered that night, the night when He and Celia were drunk and he said all those things... Celia told him taht she was engaged once, she said that just once and it was that night. She smirked,"Maybe we should talk to Celia and ask her opinion ... She knows too well about this subject, she was engaged after all"

Thor sighed, "Tired and missing my eye... You look nervous... Are you sure that you're feeling good?"
December 11, 2018

The smirk on his lips vanish in a instant, he give her a cold glance.
She did not being his own daughter into this, it was very unwarranted. He knew those two years in space for her undoubtedly hold very sensitive topics for her. Being enraged is a very serious matter which she had lived through and which she tried to forget. She was now beginning to open up to him, only for it to be used against him...
"Do not use my daughter past against us. Especially if you are merely scared of being exposed." He growl out taking a step forward towards her...

Celia give a light hearted smirk, "I am certain." It was a simple lie, but one she had master perfectly almost as if it was true.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I'm not... I wasn't... Ugh!" ahe growled in frustration she stepped back and ran a hand through her hair, she was trying to stay calm and controlled but she just... lost it, "You don't remember, of course you don't remember... Because how can I expect you to remember a mere mortal when you a God... you are so high above... How could you remember the night when you got drunk and returned with Celia to the room, all the things you said I had listened them and they kept into my head causing a tremendous confusion, but you, you just... Forget" she was walking from one side to another, "But you know what, no... I do not fancy you.. I kinda hate you... I hate you because before I meeting you I was a mess, but now I am a disaster, I'm a sentimental and emotional disaster, I've got reckless, vulnerable and I just hate that..."

Thor didn't wanted to kept asking," We still don't have any notices from your father" he said, maybe that could make her talk about her worries.
December 11, 2018

He bite his lip, she could not understand if he did told her... She did deserve to know though, she would not be here if it was not for him... He did not know, but his lips spoke before he could register he had spoken,
"I can not remember the invasion all to well, the spectre stone had twisted with my mind, memories had became fuzzy. I do remember you, but yet I do not."
He now felt undoubtedly vulnerable in that very moment, he could be easily be called a liar for he had no proof this was true. It was merely his word, his terrible word against why he could not remember the woman in front of him...

Celia tao her finger on the table in a quick pattern as if she was playing a piano, "yes I have thought to believe so..." Was her father truly dead? She could not believe it, it seem to simple for him to die on Asgard, but she may never know.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat sighed, "And again... I wasn't talking about New York, thats in the past." she said that a little more calmed, "I was talking about Sakaar... After the contest of Champions, I went to the room earlier, I couldn't sleep then you and Celia walked in you were really waisted and said something about... But it doesn't matter anymore, does it?" she made a pause she couldn't keep doing this to herself, she was feeling so... Naked... Her self stem was being smashed into the ground," You should get going... Everybody must be worried about you"

"Do you want to walk with me? We can get familiar with this ship" he ofdered her a small smile, "it could be fun"
December 12, 2018

He knew she was not wrong, his daughter must be terribly worried over what may have happen to him... Along with his brother. He knew she wish to drop this conversation, so he will... But he was curious on what he had said that night. It seem to have mess with her thoughts quite a bit. He still have yet to have any of his questions answer, only more questions... "Yes, I could only imagine." He spoke deciding to drop the matter, he shall visit his family. He made his way towards the door, "but I do believe it does." He told her before he left to look for his family...

Celia gave a shrug, it could help her relax a tad more... "Yes, I shall. It is best to learn your surroundings if you are unfamiliar with them." She spoke turning to her uncle, a smirk on his lips.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat sighed as she watched him leave, she sat on the ground and lied her back against the wall, she couldn't believe herself, she shouldn't say nothing, it was easier that way, but she had to open her damn mouth and make everything complicated.

Thor nodded, then he saw a bottle of some kind of liquor and he thought he deserved a glass, "Or we could stay here and enjoy this first" He poured two glasses and offered one to her
December 12, 2018

A smirk curl up her lips, "you know how to swoon me just right..." She tease taking a glass for herself. She held it in her hand... meeting Thor one eye. It was quite strange to see him have one eye which had always reminded her of a calm sunny day.
Her father snuck into the room in silent with the mirror giving off his reflection, showing he was there.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor looked himself in the mirror then he looked the reflection of his brother, he thought that it was too good to be true, he thought that it was a merely illusion.

"Can I join you?" A deep voice said to her, she turned her head to face Heimdall?
"Of course, it's a free aisle after all"
Heimdall sat next to her, "It was very brave what you did, going back to the vaults"
She rolled her eyes, "thanks" she simply said
December 12, 2018

He smiled seeing his brother whom turn to him, "it suits you."
Celia turn to her father, a smirk began to play on her lips. He is the God of mischief, why make a appearance in a instant than cause others to worry about you...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor smiled softly, "Perhaps you are not so bad after all, brother" if only he was real. He gave Celia a look, he didn't want her to get hurt again.

"You should have told him" He said.
"About what?" She played dumb for that moment.
"What you feel"
"I don't know how or am I feeling" she whispered.
December 12, 2018

He nod his head, "maybe not."
Celia knew it was not one of his illusions, she could feel the energy which comes from illusions. He does not have the spark of one of his many illusions. She lend back on the table a smile on her lips, seeing Thor play with the cap.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"And if you were here, I might even give you a hug" Thor said and throwed the cap to him.

Heimdall cbuckled, "Yes you do"
"I can assure you, friend, I don't"
"In those kind of subjects, there's no needed for complications"
Nat chuckled, "That ship is already said and it is far from here"
December 12, 2018

He caught it in his grasp, "I'm here." The two brother smiled to one another...
Celia placed her glass down onto the table, she walk over to her father, she wrap her arms around him a genuine smile on her lips...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor smiled widely and looked at his brother and niece, then he thought that he will piss off his brother so he hugged them both with a smirk on his face
December 12, 2018

He sigh, he knew he shall be trap in this hug for sometime...
It was not all so terrible, he had miss his daughter hugs. It been so long since he had one, since they had last saw each other before he fell from Asgard to be exact. He gave in and hug his daughter back... He sent a warning glances to his brother, he will stab him if he ruins this.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor chuckled and let him go and stepped back, "I will leave you two alone... I have some things to do... I need to know if everybody's ok".
December 12, 2018

Celia hums in response, she was overly in joy over this moment with her father which she had wish for, for so long or so it seem. Loki nod his head, knowing Thor only wish for them to have a moment together...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor left the room and saw Nat walking around, he also felt relieved to see her, "Where have you been, you just disappeared"
"Oh, nowhere... I had something else to do"
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, I am fine"
"I want to thank you for what you did today... It wasn't your fight but you still helped"
"Well, you did a bit much for Midgard so let's say that we are even" she smiked.
December 12, 2018

He smile down to his daughter whom smile seem to light up the world itself... He place a soft gentle kiss on her forehead...
"I am proud of you Celia, you have mature into beautiful woman... I may have caused you so much of your pain, but yet you forgive me... A trait from you have learn from your mother and grandmother. If they were here they would be so very proud of whom you have become and shall become in the future." He spoke in a soft voice, a voice he rarely used, while he look into his daughter sparking eyes which held back her tears of joy... She chuckle, "I am certain grandmother would be proud of whom you have become as well."
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(oww... That was so sweet)
Thor chuckled. "Hey I wanted to apologize, it must have been a difficult week for you, alone in Sakaar"
"I wasn't alone" she shrugged.
"But you were with my brother, who I suppose you hate after what happened in New York"
"I don't hate him... Why would I" she looked at him with curiosity.
"I mean, he got you expelled of the Avengers and almost fired from SHIELD, wasn't that the reason why you asked to Fury whipe out his memories?"
"What?!" She said, Fury did what?!
"Yeah... That's what he said to us, Tony helped him to do it withe the mind stone, just moments before I tooke him to Asgard"
That explained a lot, vut they weren't exactly good news either.
(ok that one sucked but I couldn't think of anything better to explain that)
December 12, 2018

(XD it does seem like what the one eye MotherFu- do.)
They two made their way out of the room together hand in hand with a smile on their lips... Nothing could ruin their moment of pure bliss and joy. They were together once more in the best of terms without the fear of being killed for it.
They made their way towards Thor whom seem to be having a discussion with Natalia.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just sighed, then she saw them comming, "I'll be back in a moment" She couldn't face Loki after what happened, she was a coward, she knew that, but she didn't cared any more, she gave Celia a small smile and walked back, Thor just looked at her curious, not understanding what was happening.
(Yeah, I think it's the best we can do. Oh! I want to ask, how it will work the Infinity war thing? Any ideas)
December 12, 2018

(Oof... It shall depend on if we let Thanos kill Loki or not....)
Loki look to Natalie as she left, the last conversation they did have did not end well... Partly because of his misunderstanding...
He made his way to his brother side whom stood out looking into the car reaches of the galaxy. He turn his head to him... "Do you really think it is a good idea to go back to Earth?" Celia chuckle, she knew far to well the reason why he was dreading returning to Earth. Because off the invasion...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(so, do we kill him or do we spare his life πŸ€”)
"Sure! They love me there" Thor said proud of himself as he looked at the Universe out there.

Nat walked around and she found Heimdall again.
"So, did you told him?"
"What are you gonna do now?"
"Nothing" She shrugged.
"Well if you need a shoulder to cry" Heimdall said sarcastically.
Nat chuckled slightly, "Thanks, but I am not fan of crying"
December 12, 2018

(That is the question... Now if feel like a sociopath.)
He took in a long sigh, his brother was quite... Blind when it comes to things such as this. He turn to his brother once more, "let me rephrase that."
"Do you think it is a good idea to bring me back to Earth?"
Celia clench her teeth, she could only imagine all they would could do to his father...
It was not a good thought in the slightest either
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(I do not know what you mean... I feel kind of powerful 😝 jk... we can see how it goes... Or do you have any suggestions?)

Thor smiled, finally getting it and then patted Loki's shoulder, "Probably not. But don't worry brother... I got a feeling that everything's going to work out"
A massive ship appeated in front of them.

"Oh no..." Heimdall says looking at the ship.
"What the hell is that?" Nat said, she had the feeling that it wasn't good.
December 12, 2018

His face drop, he knew this was not good...
Celia knew it was not either, it was the ship which Glamora had once describe to her and from the look on her father face it was whom she had feared...
The two look to one another, "we need to evacuate Asgard." Celia spoke before a blast from the ship hit them... The ship rock from the attack.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat and Heimdall ran back with Thor, followed by Valkyrie.
"there are not sufficient pods for everybody" Valkyrie said.
"We'll have to split up then, some of us will have to stay and fight, the other have to find a safe place to stay" Nat suggested.
December 12, 2018

Celia give a nod, "yes I agree, but someone must go with them to lead them." Celia spoke out to them while another attack hit the ship, her father look her in the eyes...
He shall not let this Mad Titan harm her in anyways, he had already done so with him many years ago.
Celia meet his eyes, her eyes widen when she saw his thoughts on his eyes... "I shall not! I will not leave you here!" She would say, 'with him', but it only could bring confusion which they certainly do not need.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Celia is right, but I also think that she's the best option along with Valkyrie, our people know them and they will follow them" Thor said more to his brother.
The ship trembled again.
"We need to hurry" Heimdall spoke
December 12, 2018

Celia sent a sharp warning glare to her father, her father eyes dance with many emotions... He must do what is best for her. "Celia I apologize, but know I did this for you." He spoke softly meeting her eyes, he turn his head to Valkyrie, whom he trusted to get Celia to the shuttle. "Valkyrie I believe you can handle taking my daughter to the shuttles."
Celia eyes burned with tears... No, no, no, not again. She had just got him back! She can not lose him again.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Valkyrie looked at him, then at Celia, she dragged her outside, "Hey, you have to calm down, I know that it's hard, but we have to think about our people first" she tried to reassure with her.

"Heimdall, help me to recruit some soldiers, Loki, Nat you go and call for help and activate the shields" Thor ordered.

The two of them alone again wasn't the best panoram, but Nat had to deal with it, save Asgard (again) was so much more important.
December 12, 2018

Celia clench her jaw, she look down to her boots tears in her eyes... She never cared for Asgard for they never cared for her, if they did it was merely to get to her uncle Thor... She had yearn for the day to see her father again, she had for so so long... Now that crazy dame Titan would kill him! She would do nothing to stop it for she couldn't!
Celia went limb as she watch the two rush off... "I apologize." She spoke her voice emotionless... A dagger appear in her hand...
She slams her head against hers and broke free from the Asgardian grasp, she turn on her heel slamming the butt of her dagger on the temple of her head.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Valkyrie was shocked and tried to stop her, but she can't wais more time, she recruited Korg to help her.

Once they arrived to the control panel Nat turned on the intercom and sent a message.
"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault" She gave a quick glance to the monitors, "The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft!"
December 12, 2018

Celia made herself into a illusion, she turn herself into a snake to not be seen while her illusion fought then two before it enabled lost and drag into the shuttle... The illusion faded in a instant once she transform into her turn form behind Valkyrie. Causing get confusion to Korg and Valkyrie.. Celia herself against Valkyrie pushing her into the shuttle. Celia slam the door shut she lock the lock from the outside with her magic... She gave a sad smile to her until she ran off to help the others.

Loki let Nat do the voicing of the distress signal while he active the shields to the ship... He knew his daughter would probably hate him for his decision, but he knew she knew why he made it...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The ship then went off, all the systems were failing. They got into the ship, Thanos and the Dark order.
Nat knew about Thanos because Loki told her about who tortured him, but what did he wanted there, what brought him there... And then clicked, the Tesseract, it was on Asgard vaults. But judging by the energy that the Tesseract had it was impossible that it was destroyed with the planet, it would be floating around the space, which would be easy to Thanos to track. So... She gave a quick glance at Loki but then she got back to the control panel and tried to fixed it. If the tesseract was there, they had still a chance to protect it, don't let Thanos take it. "You must protect it" she said to him, hoping he knew what she was talking about, "Do not say it's here"
December 12, 2018

His eyes widen, it was not to complexes to see where the Tesseract could be... Still he did not except for her to figure all the pieces out... He give a nod of his head, "I shall." He shall never give the stone to that Mad Titan, it would only bring chaos to the galaxy along with his daughter. He shall never do that to her... He sigh, he suppose he must help the others now the power was slowly going out anyways...
Face the one whom had hurt him years ago, whom broke his mind and bend it to his will...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat gave up after a couple of seconds then she ran to help the others, Thanos was on the ship for about two minutes and he had killed so many people, she noticed that he had another stone in his gauntlet. A man like creature was fighting against some soldiers he wasn't even moving, just his hands, he had telekinetic abilities, just like her, but the way he was using them... He was powerful. He took out some wires of the ship walls and was about to stab them with those, she raised her hands and stopped the wires with her powers. The 'man' seemed disconcerted but then turned to her, "this can be interesting" he said.
December 12, 2018

Celia let out cry, she felt a sharp pain enter her shoulder until it was remove in a quick moment causing her try cry out once more... She was thrown onto ship ground before Thanos in a panting mess. Whom look down at the child, she had remind him so much of Glamora... She was also the daughter of the man whom had failed to retrieve him the Tesseract...
The other Dark Order surround Loki, he knew not to attack them. It would only cause him unnecessary amount of pain, which he did not wish for. His eyes widen when he saw his little girl panting weakly while she tried to stand on all fours. He clench his jaw, so not say anything foolish...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Maw and Nat fought for a bit, he was really powerful, she was panting with almost zero energy. He made a piece of metal hit her legs, which caused her to fall to the ground. Maw smirked and the wires floated towards her, she tried to stop them, she did it for less than two seconds but she felt so tired... The wires wrapped her body, then her neck adding more and more pressure, she cried in pain.
December 12, 2018

The ship burn with flames from the tedious one sided battle, Heimdall laid severely wound a man with the most hideous face which not even a mother could love began a long speech... "Hear me and rejoices! You have had the privilege of being saved by the great Titan. You may think this is suffering, but no this is salvation. The universal scales tip towards balance because of your sacrifice. Smile for even in death you have become children of Thanos." He spoke with abundance walking towards the mischievous god whom stood before all of people along with his own family before Thanos.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless." The mad titan said, he lifts Thor by the neck of his breastplate. Thor struggles feebly." It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I AM" He smirked.
"You talk too much" Thor's voice is cracked, he's wounded.
Nat was lied, preteing to be dead/unconscious, she needed to gain some energy
December 12, 2018

The children of Thanos stood before the mischievous god trying to intimidate him in all their own ways as he stood before their father Thanos...
Celia laid against the breathing shallow breathes as she held her shoulder deep stab wound which continues to bleed out, she could merely watch all of which played out before her eyes...
Thanks held Thor hand in the grasp of his hand, "the Tesseract or," he moved his fist close to his skull the power stone began to glow a violent violet, "your brother head." Thanks gave the trickster a smile. "I presume you have a preference." Loki gave a smile as well meeting the Titan eyes... "Oh I do, kill away!" Hiss voice was filled with a charm of joy...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thanos' face expressed surprise briefly before pressing the gauntlet to Thor's left temple. The Power Stone glowed brightly. Thor screamed hoarsely.
December 12, 2018

Loki stood merely watching his brother cry out from the pain of the power stone... He silently bite the inside of his cheek, he screams grew louder... His cries ring though out the ship... His own brother roars of insufferable pain, he could not take it!
"Alright that is enough!"
Thanos removes his head from the Asgardian God head...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard" Thor tried to explain.
Nat opened her eyes, she tried to be calm. She knew that his family was his weak point.
December 12, 2018

He look towards Natalia sorrow dance in his eyes, he could not let his brother be torture by the mad Titan... He look up to Thanos and took a small step towards him, he raised a singular hand into the air the bright sky blue cube of unfadable power began to form in his grasp.
Thanos gave a smirk
Thor look towards his brother, he spoke the first thought he thought of, "you really are the worse brother." Loki did not doubt it, but he took a few steps towards the Titan unfazed by his brother words... He meet his brother sea of stormy eye. "I assure you brother the sunshine on use once again.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian." Thanos tells Loki.

Nat felt her entire body sored, she had bruises all over the places that the wires touched, except her neck, there she had wounds.
December 12, 2018

Loki low the cube a bit taking a small step back from the Titan, "for one I am not Asgardian." He inform the Titan whom had a confused look on his face...
"For another we have the Hulk." At that moment he drop the Tesseract push his brother away into safety away from the beast whom began slam against the giant grape. Her began to give him punch after punch as he roared at in anger.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat took advantage of everybody's distraction and made her and Celia teleport into one of the ship's rooms, dhe made her a 'shh' signal as she tied Celia's wound to stop the bleeding. "Wait a second" she walked outside and hide behind a pilar, Loki was just steps behind her, she pulled the back of his atmor with her powers to catch his attention.
December 12, 2018

While the Hulk fought against the mad Titan, Loki turn on his heel to where he felt the tug of his armor...
He saw Celia biting her lip back not to give away their position, over what she believe to be minor pain... He lock eyes with Natalia, 'what is it?' He ask in a much more harsher voice than he had truly mean to, but was tends to do things to the mind. In their minds of course...
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"What do we do now?" she whispered to him "I... Ithink I could go back to Midgard, but I... I can only teleport one person with me..."
December 12, 2018

Celia already knew what her father thought, she always did on matter such as these and every time she is drag away only to see someone whom she loves dies... Her hands where a pale white...
"Take-" "I am not leaving." She finished her father sentence, her eyes storm with many emotions... "This-" "will only cause me pain, I am tried of being forced away only to learn of or see my love ones d-die..." Her voice cracking at the end, her eyes watering.... He look down to her placing gently kiss on her with all the love he could muster for her in his tender way.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat felt impotent, her eyes filled with tears, she couldn't even remember the last time she cried, "I'm sorry" she whispered, if only she could do more.
December 12, 2018

He gave a sad smile towards her, he knew how she felt... He has been feeling the same way since Thanos arrived... It anger him, he was anger for he knew he could do nothing, but play a part in helping the mad Titan reach his goals... Only to possibly die.
He knew this will be his daughter breaking point, he could not stop his own fate...
"I know, it's not your fault..." He spoke earnestly, for it wasn't.
The Hulk fell into the ground in a unconscious manner.
December 12, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Heimdall opened the Bi-frost taking Hulk only God knows where,which caused to Thanos stabs him to death.

"No! You're gonna die for it!" Thor exclaimed.
Maw covered Thor's mouth with some metal pieces, then he picks up the Tesseract and offers it to Thanos, who crushed it, revealing the space stone,he places it on his gauntlet.

Nat held Loki's arm nstinctively, if he crossed the threshold the probabilities of see him again would reduce to almost none. A terrible time to being take over for her feelings to him, but if not then, when?
December 13, 2018

He look down at her a sad smile played on his lips, he must go to protect his daughter along with his own brother... They did not deserve to die, not because he had failed his own mission which he had come to regret. He knew this shall be the last time he shall see the two ever again.
"I love you." He whisper out, towards them, but not precise to whom he had said it too.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(I understood that reference πŸ‘†, or I least I think I did from FB: crimes of grinderwald)
Nat gripped his arm a little bit tighter, finally a tear escaped, then she let him go, she stood next to Celia, "A-are you ready?" she asked to her.
December 13, 2018

(Holy sh*t, I did that on accident! XD)
Celia slowly climb into her feet, using the wall as support. She gave a small smirk which held back her true emotions which swam through her mind and her soul... Which only cause havoc in her own mind...

Ebony knelt before Thanos holding the cube with his long slick fingers to Thanos whom took the cube in his grasp and crush it with his mighty power for it to turn to crumble like glass while the stone remain. He removed his armor while he placed his the stone in the gauntlet... He felt the power rush to him. He look to the stone which almost spoke to him... "There are two more on Earth to and retrieve them my children and bring them to me on Titan."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(😝 but it was a really good accident)
Nat held both of her forearms and tjen they disappeared.
A couple of seconds later they were back in the Avengers facility. Nat felt on her knees, breathing heavily, she used all of her energy and even more, it was the first time she did a intergalactic teleportation.
December 13, 2018

Celia slow fell onto the wooden floor of the facility in utterly defeat and complete lose... Her breathing became hitch, while she fought back the tears which threaten to spill from her eyes, but she could not hold them back... They fell from her eyes like a storm beginning to brew. She shall never see her father ever again nor her own family... Which she had just reunited with... She pull her knees closer to her and began to sob into them while she holding her locket in her grasp. The locket which was given to her by her father...
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat crawled and placed a hand over Celia's knee, she was crying too. That was by far the hardest thing she had done, if only she could go back... "wait a minute" she whispered more for herself, "I need something to eat" now she said that a little bit louder as she struggled to stand up.
December 13, 2018

Celia merely let Natalia do as she wish, she did not care... She had lost everything, once again and it hurt far more this time for she knew she could do nothing... Nothing in all the nine realms, except merely lay in homeless... And now merely cry... Something she had forgotten she could do.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat ran through the kitchen, Rhodes saw her and followed her.
She attacked the refrigerator eating protein bars, then dried meat.
"What are you doing?" he asked disguted.
"explain you later" She ran back to Celia. "I think I can go back" Said to her, she only needed to know if that wasn't crazy.
December 13, 2018

Celia lifted her face away from her knees to Natalia, "you can?" She ask in pure disbelief... Her eyes were beginning to bubble with a new found hope while her face was stain with her tears which she had cried...
Rhodes followed into the room where he saw the two, he was baffle and sent into a state of bewilderment from what he saw.
Why was Celia crying? She never cries... She had always wore a mask to hide her true troubles underneath. He does not know why though...
He also questions why was Natalia eating like a pig a minute ago? Lastly he was asking himself what the hell happened to the two?
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat nodded, "I think" then she turned to Rhodes, "Celia needs medical attention, if shd want to give you answers she will, if not do not ask questions... I'll be right back" she gave Celia another nod and took a deep breath. If she couldn't get to the Ark... Well there was a big possibility that she stay halfway floating through space... She disappeared.
Nat felt really dizzy and felt to the floor... She did make it. She stood up, Thanos' ship was gone. She activated the shields again, there was some leaks for the explosion, she lookedat the monitor, less than an hour of oxigen she has to be quick.
December 13, 2018

Rhodes made his way to the kid, she wipe her eyes dry and took a long deep breathe of clean air once more... He offer a hand to help her up which she took and stood onto her feet. He didn't question her, he listen to Natalia on the matter while he help Celia to the infirmary. "Please do not freak out..." She said while she climb onto a table of some kind. He raised a brow, he was surrounded by crazy stuff why would he freak out? "Okay..."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat walked down to the main hall, holding herself to the walls for support, her legs wer a bit weak. She arrived and started to walk, she recognized some of the people who were dead on the floor, Heimdall between them, then she saw a familiar figure.
December 13, 2018

His eyes widen while his jaw hang open... "Your father the God of Mischief and Lies could be alive?" Celia nodded her head in a slow motion, bubbles of nervous swim in her stomach on what he would say in the matter... He close his mouth, he place a few bandages down... "Does he want everyone dead?" She gave a shrug while the bubbles of her nervousness faded away. "No, he also regrets what he had done in New York."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
It was him, he was lied on the floor, she ran towards him, tripping with the corpses and pieces of the ship. She kneels next to him, she places her hand over his chest and shakes him slightly, "pkease... Please wake up...." tears running through her face.
(mehehe now it's up to you if he is dead or it's just a illusion
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
December 13, 2018

(I got an even monstrous idea, for later through... Thank goodness I am evil! Mhwaa!)
The trickster God slowly fades into small mist of green to reveal a lifeless Asgardian soldier underneath... The God stood from where he laid on the ship his illusions fading away into nothing more than dust. He was exhausted the amount of magic he used for the one long trick had drain him where it has affect him physical. He slowly made his where over to Natalia. "Shh it is alright, it was merely a illusion..." He spoke softly kneeling down to her side a small smile on his lips...
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
A wide smile appeared over her lips, she wanted to hug him, to kiss him, to... Wait a minute, she turned and glared at him, punching his arm, "You idiot, you piece of sh... Dou you know how scared I was?!!!" then she wrapped her arms around his neck.
December 13, 2018

He chuckle softly, he gently wrap his arms around her... She had also scared him, for a moment he believed she was Thanos, which he had fear saw through his trick... But it was Natalia instead.
"So you do care about me?" He whisper into her ear teasing her while a small smirk form on his lips.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She chuckled, "a tiny bit" she said looking up at him also with a smirk on her lips, "we should go now, I left Celia alone with Rhodes... Tony's friend"
December 13, 2018

He gave a small smile, while he nod his head, "yes I do agree, Celia must be terribly trouble by all which had happen." He did agree, he only hope his daughter was fine and was getting her wounds properly treated.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She closed her eyes and they were gone. Nat and Loki appeared at the Avengers facility, they wefe at the gym to be precise. She held into Loki, she barely could stand, she was feeling so exhausted, but yet she didn't wantet to leave him alone. The Avengers didn't knew about his change of... Attitude. "She... She must be at the nur- nusing room" she tried to say.
December 13, 2018

He look down to the ill exhaust woman whom clung onto him to merely keep herself on her feet, in a moment he swept her off from her feet and into his arms where she could rest for how ever long they had... "Rest, we may have to prepare to leave in sometime for battle where you shall need your strength." He told her in a stern, but soft voice as he made his way through the gym and into a hallway.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"This is so embarrassing" she whispered, she gave him the instructions to get there. They walked into the room, four beds were placed, one next to each other, one had the bed curtains closed, "she must be there" Nat climbed down from his arms and lied over one of the empty beds, "I'll wait here" she fell asleep in question of seconds.
December 13, 2018

He chuckle under his breathe seeing she had fallen asleep in matter of seconds, he shook his head before he made his way to the curtain... He took a deep breathe before he slowly open the curtain to see his daughter fastening her armor carefully being weary of her wounds which she had receive...
She turn to open the curtain to see her father whom gave a small smile, she smile faintly to him while she gave him a massive hug. She was terrified he did not survive, after all she had gone through to get her it would have broken her if he didn't, but he did.
He carefully wrap his arms around her weary of her wounds while he held her close, he heard quite sons coming from her. He smile faintly, "shh I shall not leave you alone once more my little clover..."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Did she returned?" Bruce asked Rhodes.
"No... I think not" He answered, "But I'm taking care of Celia, I gave her some medication and I've cleaned her wounds, but I think you can do a better job, Dr."
Bruce patted Rhodes' shoulder then he walked into the room, he saw Nat over the bed, he came closer to her, he controlled her breathing and pukse, she wasn't fine but she could be worse, he can treat her later, then he walked towards Celia and he gave himself a surprise, "Loki?! You made it?!"
December 13, 2018

A smirk rest on his lips. "Hello to you to as well Banner, and yes I did, it was quite a challenge though and may have also trick my brother as well with my trick. Which does worry me to some extent..." more so when he sees it was all merely a illusion of his... He maybe killed by his own brother which would be quite ironic.
Celia dried her tears away calming down once more, "he a trickster what do you except?"
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Bruce chuckled slightly, although Loki kind of proved that they could trust him, he was not quite sure. "How do you feel Celia?" he asked as he examined her wounds.
December 13, 2018

She gave a small smile to him, "sore, exhaust, but also hungry." Her father roll his eyes at his daughter. It did not seem far fetch for her to be hungry after all of which had happen in the past few hours.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Bruce chuckled, "I think Rhody did a pretty good job with your wounds, you should go and eat, then get some rest, please" Then he turned to Loki, "Are you alright? Do you want me to help you?" he felt so uncomfortable to ask him that, but after all, he was a doctor and it was his job take care of everyone.
December 13, 2018

"I shall be fine, but thank you for asking." He said giving a nod to the doctor, until he left the room following his daughter... He felt undoubtedly awkward in the room. Which does speak on a high leave how terribly awkward it was.
Celia gave a glance to her father, "you have magic fatigue do you?" She either knew him to well, which he did not doubt or he must look undoubtedly exhaust or weak. Maybe a combination of both? He merely nod his head, "yes."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"What happened?" Bruce asked, "Do you know anything about Tony or the Strange guy?"
December 13, 2018

Rhodes turn to him once he saw the god make his way with his daughter leaving the room. He did not trust him. Last he heard about him he was killed now he was somehow alive. If that isn't untrusting than what is? "I know as much as you, Tony left into space following Spider-Man whom was following some wizard. We have lost connection ever since the ship left Earth orbit."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"That's bad, I talked to Steve again, he already find Vision, he's arriving here tomorrow" Bruce said, "Since when you moved out from the Tower? I like in here? Do we have labs?"

Nat woke up few moments later, she was feeling better but really really hungry. She went to the kitchen where the rest was.
December 13, 2018

Rhodes gave him a smile and began to tell him about the new facility. "We had move out once the building was built which was after the Ultron. We do have a few different labs on the facility, since Stark is a workaholic..." He started before he mumble on about the other luxury on the facility...
Celia made her way into the kitchen where her father sat on the counter while she pull some out some pizza from the fridge along with some pre slice fruit. She place the pizza in the microwave which her father watch with mild interest...
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Hey! You're alive" Bruce said to Nat once he saw her. Se gave him a small smile and sat next to them, grabbing a banana on the way.
December 13, 2018

A chuckle left his lips, Bruce so terribly surprise by all whom lived from the attack... He did hope someone had came to his brother aid of he shall be floating in space for entirety. He place another variant red cube into his mouth which Celia had given to him saying it was Midgardian fruit which was quite sweet.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"where's Tony and the rest?" she asked.
Bruce tell her what happened with Tony and the little information tbat he had about Vision and Wanda.
"And Thor? Is he dead?" Bruce asked.
"I don't know... He was gone when I returned to the ship, Loki was the only one who made it" She made a pause to eat another banana, "Do you feel better, Celia?"
December 13, 2018

Celia let out a long sigh, "it is a mere stab wound. I had far worse wounds which I was force to defend myself with. I shall be find." She spoke to the three, she was quite tried of being treated as a mere child whom was hurt. She maybe hurt, but to be fair she had always had a high pain tolerance. Her stab wound will only cause her mild annoyance for a few days, but she could easily fight of necessary in any mere moment.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just nodded, "I have never been so tired in my entire life" she said with a sigh.
"Yeah? What was that? You were eating like a-" Thody tried to finish his question but she cut him off, she was embarrassed by that episode.
"I needed energy, so I could get back to space"
She nodded, "I teleport through quantum portals which I open using the energy of my body" she explained like it was something obvious.
"We should rest well tonight" Bruce said to everyone.
December 13, 2018

Loki merely hum, he did not believe so Thanos was a fierce foe the most fierce foe they have ever face. He shall be collecting the other stones while they sleep, he knew he could not stop him from collecting the other stones either. They were in the far reaches of space which for Valhalla same he did not know where, aside for the Aether which was soon to be stolen... Lastly the soul stone which Celia could not learn of in her time in space. Celia had spoke of who had this stone mind stone, the one which had twisted his mind was now a life source. If he knew where all the stones were, he was certain the Titan would learn of this information and steal them.
Sleep would not be easy for they all could be snap out of essence of they fail...

Celia rest her head on her father shoulders, she knew he was having plenty of negative thoughts run through his head while he silently ate his food. His hunch shoulder give it away...
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Do you think Thanos has already the time stone?" Bruce asked.
"I don't know... But I think that maybe Tony would use it as a weapon against him... Which I don't know if that's a good or a terrible bad idea" Nat sighed, "Celia, you had spoke about some people you knew years ago, when you were in the space, is there a way to contact them? Maybe they could give us some information?"
December 13, 2018

She shook her head, a light sigh left her lips. She had not talk to her friends in months, not since she had return to Midgard. She did not know how to contact them either sadly enough. "You must be referring to the Guardians of the Galaxy, no I can not contact the group from Midgard... I do not have the faintest clue where they could be either. So I could not contact their ship either."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I think that the only thing we can do is just wait..." Nat sighed again, that was not a good panoram.
"Nat... Do-do how's Natasha?" Bruce stuttered and blushed slightly.
"Oh, she's fantastic Bruce, she's married with Cap and they have two beautiful children" Nat teased him, she wanted to raise everyone's mood just a little, "It was just a joke Bruce, I didn't spoke to her in years..."
December 13, 2018

Celia sigh a sad look on her face she held her cheek in her left hand... "I have no new gossip on other love life's do I not?" She was terribly heart broken over the discovery of no new news on the matter of love in her little group of friends. It was truly heart breaking.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Well, Tony and Pepper are engaged now, I don't know if you were aware of this... Vision and Wanda... And... I don't really know... Since the accords it was really difficult to catch up" Nat said with a shrug.
December 13, 2018

Celia hum in response, her father raised a brow...
"Why are so terribly interesting with others love lifes?"
Celia chuckle at her father question, she place her pizza down in the cardboard box... This was certainly not a question she had expected. "I am terrible when it comes to love, I have once been engage. I had to let him go for he was a terrible man." She simply noted before she began to eat her pizza once more.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Did you were-" Bruce tried to ask but ge was cut bay Nat's glare, "Nevermind" he sighed. She had learned that Celia's engagement was a delicate subject
December 13, 2018

Celia silently thank Natalia, she was glad she did not have to answer the question which she fear she knew what it was. It was a question which she rather keep silent for only her to know, maybe her father if she was ever ready to tell another soul. The only other person whom knew about what happened had sadly die...
Loki hum in response, "I can agree to some extent..."
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just smiled at her and stood up to graba a cup of coffee, finally coffee.
"And what about you, Nat?" Rhody asked.
"What about me, what?"
"Yeah, you know what is funny, we have known you for a long time and you never told us anythingβ€œ Bruce commented, he was getting his revengw
Nat blushed slightly but shrugged, "there was nothing to tell"
"Nothing, nothing?really?"
"wait... She said was, so now there is?"
Damn you Rhodes, "since when I became a subject of your interest?" she evaded the question
December 13, 2018

Celia interest was peak, she shall not escape the questioning so easily. She could easily drop little facts about whom she was engaged to if she gains the information which she wish for. "Since now I suppose, so whom have caught your interest?" Her voice was deep, her eyes sparkle with excitement.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat went back to the table, and smirked, "since I am now your subjec of study, do your research..." It wasn't that obvious, also everybody thought that she hated Loki for NY and all that stuff, she started to dinke her coffee, enjoying every single drop.
December 13, 2018

Celia lean on the counter, a smirk laid on her lips while she met the woman eyes. She shall figure out whom this person was, by daybreak if she must. "I rather talk to the person in question than read reports." She will if she must, once you had caught her interest she shall be hook until she was satisfied. "You do not have to tell their name or history, but what is your prince charming into?"
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She chuckled, then shrugged, "You can see this as your first interrogation lesson, the subject rarely wants to give you answers, if you're interested enough you have to figure it out how to get them" She was just hoping that her little plan worked. She gave Loki a reallyquick glance, god this was the most embarrassing moment of her life.
December 13, 2018

He merely place the bowl and form into the sink, she shall handle this situation herself. He merely took a small glass and a package from the pantie and place it in a cup, he used his own little magic to warm the cup to a boiling temperature while he took a seat on the counter once more letting his tea cook.
"How about this you may ask me a question on my once upon a time lover, if I see fit to answer I will. This also applies to you as well." It was not a terrible offer, not at all.
Loki was interested on the matter at hand now.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She leaned towards her, still smirking, "deal, so, how did it happen?" this was really interesting, but the funniest thing was the three men watching them like they were the mozt interesting thing on earth.
December 13, 2018

Celia raised a brow, she did understand, was it how they came to be or how they met. She believe the latter over the ladder. She cross her feet bare feet over the counter, before she began to tell her tale. "He offer a job, a thieving one, but one none the less. He wish to do it together for he knew it could be done without a single soul to know whom stole the jewel with our combine ability. From their we simply click I suppose is the best way I could describe." It was, they had been a bit drunk as well along with flirtatious, but none the less they click.
"Now if I may ask, what are they like?"
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She thought for a bit, "self-contradrctory, brilliant yet stupid, compassionate yet selfish-ish, kind yet cold, funny but has a temper" she was kind of happy with that answer, "my turn... why it didn't work?"
December 13, 2018

Loki merely sip on his tea, he would argue on the word stupid, it was such a harsh word. He could see fool, but not stupid. If anyone was brilliant yet undoubtedly stupid it was his brother Thor... Though he was curious on Celia response.
Celia bite the inside of her cheek taking a moment to think of the best words to describe why it did not work without to much information in the air...
"To many warnings about him. I did not see them until it was to late. He hurt me so I ended it."
She was quick with a question, "do I know them?"
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"yes... I think you do..." she sipped her coffee, that was a good question, one that could gave her a really good clue, so she had to ask a good question too, "what did he do to you?"
December 13, 2018

She merely chuckles while she began to fiddle with her necklace metal lace twirling it around her index finger. She was not going to answer the question, especially in front of the others. "Private." It was, but she did not mean it in that aspect.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat smirked, "ok... Let's do this even more interesting, two more questions, if you don't get it you will let me, deal?"
December 13, 2018

Celia gave a smirk, "I accept, you may go first for I have yet to answer a question." It was true she had yet to answer a question of hers, she merely wish to make it fair.
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"how much time did the engagement last?" she finished her coffee and went to pour some more, she had missed that so much.
December 13, 2018

A simple question she suppose, "five months on the dot." It was, she was certain for she knew she could never forget that dreadful day which still and shall haunts her and effects till years to comes... Her turn, "what are his hobbies?"
December 13, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"That I do not really know" She was being honest, she thought that he liked to read because in the past that was their bounding time, but he didn't have too many options to entertain himself. "How bad did it hurt you, not what he di, but if it was really painful"
December 13, 2018

Celia once again bite the inside of her cheek, her question was another open interpretation question which she did not know how to truly answer. For she knew it was suppose to hurt, but it did not in that sense, but in another sense. It was quite a complex question for her to answer. "No not physical, but I can slice the palm of my hand open and merely wrap it in some bandages and go on about my day like it never happen." She had done this a few times before as well.
She began to think of her own last question, which she could ask... A smirk played on her lips. "Are they here with us?"
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat didn't believe the last question, her expression changed a little, she slowly sipped her coffee, there was no way of avoiding it, "you sneaky girl..." Nat told her with a smirk, the she nodded once.
December 14, 2018

Celia gave a smirk, she knew she was a clever girl along with a sneaky one which made her a excellent theft. Celia look to her father, "you smitten."
He mere chuckle, he knew she only have answer one question which she did not wish to, but sometimes in games such as these you much give a little to your opponent.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"wait a minute... No..." Bruce said totally shoked, "really?!"
"I didn't see that coming" Rhodes said.
Nat just shrugged and finished her second cup of coffee.
December 14, 2018

Celia merely chuckle, "I win." She hop off the count grabbing herself a cup. She pull some milk from the fridge pour some in the cup before she placed it back. She grab some cocoa powder along with some sugar and marshmallows. She sat on the counter once more making herself some hot cocoa... She offer her father a marshmallow which he took.
He began to squeeze it in his hand looking at it with a questioning look before he threw it into his mouth... He quite enjoy the marshmallow. It was a nice texture of sweetness. He went and grab the bag and began eating them.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled, "so, now that I've been exposed... I think that I'll be in the library" she gave them a fake courtesy and walked out.

Bruce and Rhodes were looking at Celia and Loki, they had a really good amount of new information from both of them, they wanted to keep talking about both of the subjects, her engagement and Nat's situation, but they were quite afraid of Loki.
December 14, 2018

Celia merely rolled her eyes while her father pop marshmallow after marshmallow into his mouth. "Someone is reminding me of Thor." He merely rolled his eyes at the mere thought. He shallow the marshmallow, "l am not addicted to these sugary sweets."
Celia merely chuckle, she knew he was lying. He would be terribly upset if he was not aloud to have anymore. He lucky she was not in the mood to annoy him. "Right." Sarcasm laced heavily on her voice watching her father pop another marshmallow into his mouth.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
After a while if staring at the two of them Bruce and Rhody excused themselves and went to get some rest, it was getting late after all.
Nat changed herself into more comfy clothes, a oversized hoodie and a pair of yoga pants, she sat in one of the couches in the library abd started to read.
December 14, 2018

He merely rolled his eyes, he walk over to the pantry and place the bag away. Celia hop down from the counter, she pat her father arm while she began to take her leave.
"Give one Natalia."
Dame it, she knew him far to well. He was certain she could not see the slight of hands he played. He sigh and give her a nod, he made his way towards the library while his daughter prepare for bed.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was really into her book, she had to admit that she was really used to all 'Midgardian' things, she was ashamed of it but it was the truth, she placed her earbudds on and hummed softly the songs that she was listening.
December 14, 2018

The God found the door to the library he believed, he turn the knob and open the door to see a room filled with books upon books. Sadly not as large as Asgard palace library. He made his way into the room, he saw Natalia reading a book while she gently him the song which she listen to. He shall not bother her, he knew all to well how annoying it was to be bother while he read... He pick a random book from off the shelf and began to read the book.
Celia step out of the shower and began to dry her hair, while she prepare for bed.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
After a few minutes she perceived someone else company, she looked at him, "sorry, I didn't notice that you were here" she placed her phine and earbudds over a small table next to her.

Bruce needed some other answers about what they lived earlier that day, he knocked Celia's door to talk to her.
December 14, 2018

He look up from his own book, "I am quite a sly fox when I do wish to be." A smirk on his lips... "Now if I may ask what are you yourself reading?"

Celia made her way to her bedroom door once she was dress in some clothes before she open the door to see her friend Bruce. "Hello Banner, how can I help you?" She knew he must have questions to come to her.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"oh, it's a romance actually... It's called 'Pride and Prejudice' one of my favorites... How about you?" she said pointing at his book.

"Celia I need to know everything you know about Thanos, please" He asked her, almost pleading
December 14, 2018

"A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Shakespeare. I used to read his story to Celia before bed." He spoke a small smile on his lips...

Celia bite her cheek, she gesture for him to enter which he did and took a seat by her little table she had placed in the room. "I suppose I shall start from where I had first learn of him. It was when I had tried to close the portal which the Tesseract created. It failed as you may know, but it gave me a vision."
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"One of my favorite comedy plays... You know, we used to read a lot of Shakespeare the first time you were here" She said with a small smile.

"what kind of vision?" Bruce asked, he leaned against the wall.
December 14, 2018

He gave her a smirk, "yes I can only see why, he was an excellent Midgardian writer." It was true he was a excellent writer.

Celia bite her cheek, this was something which she had kept private because it surround her father. "Of the past where my father was torture by the Mad Titan children."
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Indeed... Not that I'm not pleased by your company... But may I ask what are you doing here?" she asked now looking down at the closed book on her hands.

Bruce nodded, "Anything else?... Look, I know it can be hard, but we need all the information about him so we may have a chance to defeat him" he spoke softly
December 14, 2018

He chuckle, he place a pair of marshmallows down on the table. "Celia said I must give you marshmallow." It was a silly reason, but Celia was always had silly ideas which seemingly works at times.

Celia let out a long sigh, there was a lot she knew about the Mad children thanks to his daughters. "He has two daughters whom now hate him for all he has done to them and wish for revenge for what he done for them. They told me he wishes to kill half of all life in the universe if he ever gets the stones in a snap."
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled, "thank you" she said as she took them and placed one on her mouth, "oh, by the way, I want to apologize for calling you stupid, I just wanted you to be pissed, cause you really helped me there" sarcasm was dripping from her voice.

His expression changed, he was worried before, but now?, β€œdo you know where the stones are?"
December 14, 2018

He place a hand over his heart while he fell back in his chair, "how you wound me." He spoke out as if he was so terribly wounded and was to die of the wound. He sat up once more and met her eyes, "I do apologize, but I was merely curious on Celia relationship with the one whom she was engaged to."

Celia bite the inside of her cheek, she knew she could arrive where the soul stone was before Thanos and take it in her grasp, but she shall not pay the sacrifice which must be made. "I know as much as Thor or my father. The time stone is with Dr. Strange, the mind held by vision, Aether on Knowhere kept by the collector. The other two in Thanos glove." She lied she knows far more about the stones than either of them...
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled again, "It's alright... Although I would loved to see you in that position" she smirked.

Bruce nodded, "do you think that we can have a chance?" he started to play with his fingers, if they didn't defeat him with only one stone...
December 14, 2018

He gave a laugh, "if she had learn I have fallen for someone she shall know whom it was." There were truth in those words, his daughter would learn without a single question from him. She knew him far to well, but he was fine with it. She was his daughter anyone else he would be worried.

Celia did not know, but she did not believe so. Thanos shall get the soul stone leaving only a one to protect in their grasp the Mind stone... "We would have to destroy the Mind stone enable to defeat Thanos." It was the blunt harsh truth on the matter.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat pretended to read again, covering her smirk whit it, "And have you falled for someone?" It was just fair at her point of view, she was already teased by him and the others, it was his turn.

"But that would kill Vision" Bruce stood up and started to walk in circles as he thought about a way to protect Vision.
December 14, 2018

He raise his book once more for him to read, "maybe I have, maybe I have not." He sat back into his chair once more a smirk on his lips. She must try much harder to tease him, her words could be spun in ways she did not know if he ever pleased.

Celia lean back in her chair, she knew Thanos believe her father was dead. She also knew he was safe from the snap if the Titan ever got it way. Unless her father ever did make a appearance in front of him. "Well whatever is to come I shall be fine either way. If I die, so be it. If I do not, I suppose fate has it will to play with myself some more."
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat bite her lower lip and stood up, and walks towards his chair and leaned against the back of the chhair, making her mouth just millimeters apart from his ear, "But I think you had" she whispered. The fact is that if she were on a mission, she could be so much more seductive, not as her sister but pretty close, but now she was worried to ruin that up, but she had to make him speak.

Bruce sighed, "So do you think that we have to sacrifice a man for the greater good? That sounds a lit like Thanos, don't you think?" maybe that was the easiest way to win or not lose.
December 14, 2018

A deep chuckle left his lips, clever, but he was not be so easily won over with a few words. She must try harder, "think, not know." He saw it as a mere game of her ability to see if she could seductive him. At the moment she merely caught his under in the game. He suppose it was the game of the cat haunting for her dinner the mouse.

Celia shook her head at his words, she began to describe the difference from the two parties. "No Thanos is genocide, ours is murder. Both morally wrong, but one is far worse than the other." Maybe see was cold hearted to kill the android and not her father, but she did not care for the universe. She merely cared for herself, it was how she survive in space. Kindness can only get you so far until it gets you killed. "Unless you can remove the stone and destroy it still."
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She smirked then she moved her hands soft and slowly to his shoulders, on a mission she would be already 'massaging' the man shoulers and chest, maybe butterfly kisses on his neck, but that was too much for them, also the whole 'thing' between them was still unclear, so she moved her head a little bit closer so he could feel her breath, she breathed a couple of times and patted his shoulders as his brother would do, "That's ashame buddy" she said and went back to her chair, making appear the bag of marshmallows on her hand.

Bruce's face enlightened "yes, yes, but how... I... I need to go to the lab... Thanks Celia!" with that Bruce walked out of her room.
December 14, 2018

She shall not getting away so easily, she began this game she shall finish it to the end. He had a smirk form on his lips as he place his book into the table, while he look to Ultra. He had also made a escape hole for himself with his wording if she ever back out. "Again I said know." His voice deep, his eyes sparkling with a flirtatious mischief in their little game.

Celia merely fell from her chair landing on the floor on her feet while she place the chair back. She made her way to bed where she shall sleep, she climb in and began to drift for he last peaceful night of sleep...
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just smirked and started to eat the marshmallows one at a time, "I do not have enough evidence to know" she placed another marshmallow on her mouth.
December 14, 2018

He chuckle, the table have turn. This shall be fun, let's see how much she could take of his own flirtatious. He swiftly made his way onto his feet and over to where Natalia sat her until he stood in front of her. His smirk unmoving, he placed two fingers under her chin lifting it up a bit to meet his glaze. "I could give you some of you wish." He move closer to her, "you merely have to say please." He whisper, his breathe hitting her lips.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She was enjoying this so much, but she wanted to tease him just a little bit more, she closed her eyes and moved closer to him as begging for a kiss, then when they lips were almost touching, she teleported behind him, "Someone is anxious" she said with also a flirtatious voice, holding a chuckle.
December 14, 2018

He turn on his heels, his eyes dance with his new found burning desire meeting her dark once which seem almost endless. He saw receive his prize, he knew she was close only a tab more of a push. He took steps in front of her pushing her towards a bookshelf. "Maybe."
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She gasped, she was actually really surprised of his actions but she had got so close, she couldn't lose, not this time... "As my old friend Steve says..." she smirked again, "I can di this all day"
December 14, 2018

He place a arm in the bookshelf behind where she stood, he lick his teeth before a chuckle escape his throat a small smile form on his lips. "...But can you do it all night?" He whisper into her ear while his breathe hit her neck.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Her smirk disappeared, she could feel her stomach tie and untie it self, she was about to give up, wrapping her arms around his neck, but then... "I can give it a shot" she whispered back.
December 14, 2018

A long chuckle left his lips and hit against her milky white skin while a smile began to form on his lips. This shall be exciting, he did not except that for an answer, but he shall not back down. No he shall only make it so much harder for her to resist. "I applaud you, but you shall not last long." His voice low and rich with his ascent from his homeland. He bite his teeth against earlobe while he whisper it to her.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She hide her nervous breath with a exaggerated sigh, then she turned her face to meet his eyes, "I thought you would give me a chance... But ut seems that I've already disappointed you... So we'll never know" she faked a sad face, then she chuckled, she was in the game again.
December 14, 2018

He close his for a moment and he rest his forehead against hers, his heart hasn't pump against his breast as much as this since so many centuries ago. She was certainly playing him well, but how long until either one of them breaks? He open his emerald eyes meeting her dark ones which seem to invite him. "You could never disappoint me merely upset me." He whisper onto her lips with his cold smoothing breathe.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She smiled, not a smirk, but a true smile "I have already saved your mischievous ass twice, I think that I have already done my part", she moved one of her hands to his jawline, caressing softly his cheek with her thumb.
December 14, 2018

He laugh a light one, but a genuine one none the less. "I have the faintest of ideas." He said playing as if he never knew what she spoke of as a massive grin plaster his face.
He watch her dark eyes began to grow a sparkle of true happiness similar to a star... He place a hand in her cheek as well, holding her face ever so gently almost as if he was afraid to shatter her like a thousand pieces.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She could hear his heart beats, feel his breathe, she never thought that she would be iin that situation. The most crazy 24 hours of her life, and maybe the last... She had already won, "f*ck this" she whispered and closed the distance between them, she could already feel that smirk that she hated so much to love and she kissed him.
December 14, 2018

He smile into the kiss, he knew this could possibly be the last day of their life, but he had died. It was fate will he was alive, and it shall be luck if he does not die tomorrow. He kissed her as if it was the last time he shall ever will, it may will be.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She didn't know how much time passed, it could be seconds, minutes or hours, she didn't cared though. She pulled back from the kiss to catch her breath, resting her forehead against his, she couldn't help but smile.
December 14, 2018

He watch her careful while his heart slowly began to slow while his breathe was long. He gave a long chuckle watching her eyes like they were the most exciting thing in the whole wide universe and for him they were. A smile plaster his face, "You certainly are an amazing kisser."
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She laughed, "thank you very much" she could stay like that forever, but she couldn't, they couldn't, "we should get some rest... Tomorrow will be a tough day" she looked at the clock on the wall, 3:30 AM she chuckled, "Not that we gef to rest to much"
December 14, 2018

He merely chuckle, he nod his head. "Not as if it was a first." He tease lightly, he took a step back, he grasp her hand in his. He raised her hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss while he meet her eyes. "Good night." He spoke softly, he let go of her hand as he left the library door open.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat smiled as she looked him go, she thanked Celia and the marshmallows and then she headed to her room.

The next morning arrived and a female voice woke Nat up, "Good morning Agent Romanoff, General Rhodes wants to see you in the library, Captain Rogers has arrived"
"I'll be there in a minute, thank you FRIDAY" Nat said, she sighed and started to get ready.
December 14, 2018

Celia was seated by her father with a cup of coffee, she had be awake for a few hours now, she had greeted the others when they had arrived and now she was enjoying a nice cup of coffee with her father whom was waking up. He was not a morning person, not like his daughter was.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat headed towards them, she was a bit nervous, she haven't seen her sister in a while. "Good morning" she said to everyone.
"Natalia" Cap said with a polite nod.
"so... What happened?" she asked taking a seat next to Celia across her sister.
Wnda and Vision started to tell what happened with them and Thanos' childs.
December 14, 2018

Celia listen to every word, she did not interrupt she took in every word for it may help her in the near future, along with her father, but he kept silent for another reason. He was once the villain in this situation and he wish to not have that attention once more for they have far more important issues at hand.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodes asked.
"And they can clearly find us" Wanda answered.
"We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?" Bruce turned to Natasha.
"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families, they're on house arrest" She explained.
"Who's Scott?" he asked again.
December 14, 2018

Celia decide to speak up and answer the question for she knew this shall certainly confuse the doctor. "He is also know as Ant-Man."
Loki merely chuckle while he watch the doctor face expression, "there's a Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?" He knew today was going to be a long terrible day, but he shall enjoy any moment of entertainment which he receives.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Okay, look…" Nat said repressing a chuckle, "Thanos has the biggest army in the universe. And he is not gonna stop until he gets the mind stone"
"Vision's Stone" Bruce clarified.
"Well then, we have to protect it" Natasha suggest.
"That won't work" Her sister whispered
December 14, 2018

Celia stood from the couch placed her coffee cup down on a table and made her way towards the others, she wore a stern face for she was about to speak the cold hard truth. "He defeated the Hulk, he has a army which could defeat all of us if we are not careful, and he only wishes the Mind stone." It was obvious to her what they must do or half the universe shall die.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"No, we have to destroy it. I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps… Its molecular integrity could fail. " Vision says, looking at Wanda.
" And you, with it. We're not having this conversation." she answered.
"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it."
"That's too high a price" she whispered.
Vision took her face gently, "Only you have the power to pay it." Wanda walks away from him.
"Im with Celia and Vision in this one, Thanos threatens half the Universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him" Nat spoke.
December 14, 2018

Steve Roger look up, "but it should."
A long sigh left her lips, she only knew where this shall lead into a long argument, she knew this because it always happens.
"Captain was it not seventy years ago you were willing to make the same sacrifice yourself." Vision spoke meeting the captain argument....
Here it goes.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"you might have a choice. Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. J.A.R.V.I.S., Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together. All of them learning from one another." Bruce explained.
Wnada looked at him, "You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?"
"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts"
"Can we do that" Natasha turned to see him.
"Not me. Not here."
December 14, 2018

Steve turn to them, " I know somebody who can." He
Celia raise a brow, she was now lost. She has been since they had arrive, but she had held herself as if she understood all of which was happening. She did not, she had just learn Tony and the Steve had a terrible fight causing the Avengers to began to break apart from the inside until it crumble from the inside. All during the time she had disappear as well.
December 14, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"so... Are you going to tell us or..." Nat asked and Steve glared at her.
"We're going to Wakanda"
Finally, Nat wanted to visit Wakand since she knew about that country, "all of us?" she asked
"Anyone who's willing to fight"
December 14, 2018

Loki raise a brow he was in great confusion, he look to his daughter whom took a second to process the information...
"I shall explain once we are on the ship father."
He gave a nod accepting the information which he had received for the moment, he watch as his daughter drunk her coffee in a second before she was off to the ship. Which he followed her out.
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat went to her room first and put in her uniform and reloaded her guns, then she walked over the ship. She took a seat and buckled up
December 15, 2018

Celia rest her head on her father shoulders while she began to tell the tales of all of which he had missed from when he had disappear. Most of which was told by her by the others, but her excuse was she was an excellent story teller.
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat looked at the two of them, she kinda envy Celia, she never had a family, her father sent her to the KGB when she and Natasha were little, there they were forsed to hare each other so the word family it was her F word (😝). She stood up.
"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve said to Sam who was piloting the plane.
"I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to" He answered.
The Quinjet passes through a camouflage force field into Wakanda's Golden City's valley and lands at the airfield outside the palace. T'Challa and the Dora Milaje approach to greet the arrivals
December 15, 2018

Celia stood onto her feet while Sam landed the jet, Bruce follow Celia and grab his coat while she place her on. She hit a glove department open with a dagger falling into her grasp a smirk on her lips. She place the dagger in her coat, before they made they say out of the jet Steve and Tasha lead the way, Celia and Loki follow suit behind the two, Bruce kept near Rhodes while he put his coat.
"Should we bow?" Bruce questions not certain of the culture and how they greet one another here in Wakanda.
Rhodes look at him with a straight face, "yea he a king."
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
As Rhodes mocked Bruce, Nat stood next to them, "sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault"
"How we looking?" Natasha asked.
"You will have my King's Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." The king was interrupted by a voice coming from behind.
"A semi-stable, 100-year-old man"
Cap hugs his friend as he asks how's he doing. "
December 15, 2018

Bucky gave a smirk to his best bud, "good for the end of the world."
Celia look around the advance country which surrounds the group, it was undoubtedly impressive. The technology was quite impressive, even if she was against it at times, such as A.I. Her father seem a tad bit impressed by the country himself...
"A self hiding country, using devices similar to some magic abilities..."
He mumble to himself.
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat felt like a kid in a candy shop, SHIELD had registered some information about Wakanda, but nothing described that wonderful place, she gave some, according to her, pretty interesting facts about vibranium and the technology.
They arrived to the most impressive lab, there the "princess" started to analyze Vision and the Stone.
December 15, 2018

Celia may have began searching the lab in pure curiosity and interest while the scientist talk about well technology which was a sever weak point for her. She had always had someone whom had a idea about technology. She does have far more knowledge about technology compare to her family, but she only learned it became if she didn't she would have died. Learn information which you deem unworthy for it might help you in the future.
She saw a panther like suit, which when she touch it disappear... "Do you have a idea how they make illusions?" Her father ask behind her, he was following Celia for he did not want to be without her or Natalia while he was on Midgard for... Reasons. "Holograms projection, but the seem far more reliable than the one one Sakaar."
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The alarms of the city started to blare, Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje projects in her palm the globe and a pulsing location marc. "Something's entered the atmosphere"
"Cap... We have a situation here" they heard Sam through their earpiece.
Nat walked towards the window... The defense shield over the Golden City destroys one of the alien vessels when it slams into the field at full attack acceleration, she looks up, more incoming. "Bozhe moy..."
December 15, 2018

The two return in a haste to where the others were.
They saw the alien vessels which were landing on the outskirts of the country borders, in a moment the two knew Thanos children and minions had arrived. The war was here right before their eyes, they knew the war shall began once they arrive near the border of the country. Where they shall fight to protect the stone which laid in the android mind which gave it life.
Celia reach into her pocket, she pulled out what seem like a normal childish clover hair clip from her pockets. She placed the hair clip by her left ear before she tap it contacting to the others ear pieces. She heard a pause before Rhodes spoke over him while he turn his head gaining some information on the matter at hand. "Yea well don't start celebrating just yet guys. We have more incoming outside the dome."
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Vision tried to sit up, "It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now"
"Vision, get your ass back on the table" Natasha walked towards him.
"We will hold them off" the king said and he, Okoye and the other guards walked to the door. "Evacuate the city. Engage all defense procedures..." he made a pause and pointed at Steve, "And get this man a shield"
Nat turned to both of the Asgardians, "Do you think that it's a good idea for you to join the battle?".
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(I've found tjis and I needed to share it pin.it/ypory2gtum2hy5 πŸ€—πŸ˜¬)
December 15, 2018

(It is now head canon for Loki to cry during romantic com XD)
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(😝 aaand singing in the shower)
December 15, 2018

(Actually it is in Loki Agent of Asgard comic which he loosely based off of as of now.)
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(Really? . I need to find that... Could you believe that I am not really into comics?? I love the stories but I don't read them too often, also they are sooooo expensive in my country)
December 15, 2018

(I have found a site to read them myself for comic shops are quite rare to find and quite far. It does have cookies and suggested ads, but it is the best site I have found readcomiconline.to
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(that's so cool! Thank you very much!)
December 15, 2018

(You are so very welcome)
December 15, 2018

Loki let out a long sigh, it was if he was not seen by Thanos.
"As long as Thanos does not know I am alive it shall be fine to join the battle, I do believe you need all the help you shall receive." It was true, the monsters where the strongest whom he had ever fought or seen in his life. He knew it shall be a ferocious battle for them as it was for Celia whom had already fought this war once.
Celia gave a shrug, "when the hel do I get what I ever so please?"
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled a whispered a thanks to both.

They were on the battlefield now, Steve, Natasha and T'Challa went to talk with Proxima and Cullwho were standing at the other side of the barrier , everyone else was waiting.
Then Proxima brandishes her sword with a snarl, and the ships behind her start raising their outer hulls to allow their 'passengers' to disembark.
December 15, 2018

Chanting began from the Wakanda soldiers whom hit their spears onto the ground beginning a war cry, while the beast began to crawl at and through the barrier. The barrier began to slice them in halves leading to them merely kill themselves in the process. They let out roars and cries as they continue to do so...
"Gods they are mindless beast.." Celia mutter under her breath as she watch the scene unfold before them... She saw a few dozen began to climb into Wakanda walls, the soldiers made a barrier of shields while the others sent attacks. She pull her own from her coat and follow suit with her own blast of attacks.
December 15, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Everyone notices a pack of Outriders starting to run around the forcefield to the right of the defenders' position.
"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us...There's nothing between them and Vision" They heard Bruce speaking.
"Then we better keep 'em in front of us" Steve answers
The king comands to open the barrier, "WAKANDA FOREVER!!" He shout and runs to fight the monsters, the others also run behind him.
Nat started to fight against them using her powers and her guns as well.
December 16, 2018

The group rushed into battle beginning to attack the creature in horrific ways.
Celia places her guns away, only for a sword to appear in her grasp in her right hand while her other create a spell which summon a sapphire flame spirit whom she sent to attack the beast which shall near her blind spot.
Her father had his pair of daggers appear in his hand, he swiftly dodge the beast attack while he sent his own fatal attacks towards the beast killing them...
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat killed one monster after other, but they kept coming, she had already a little wound in her forearm and her face was stained with those monsters blood.
"There’s too many of them!" The Hulkbuster had been down the ground by a pile of those creatures. Then, the Bi-frost lands in the middle of the battle and an axe flies out of it, wreathed with lightning and tearing through the creatures.
It flies back to the light and into its master's hand just as the light is cut out, revealing Thor, a racoon and a tree like creeature.
December 16, 2018

The ones whom were once being over thrown by the mass amounts of beasts look towards him with a glimmer of hope in their eyes, seeing Thor whom now wielded a ax in hand. Bruce remove the helmet to the Hulk-Buster armor whom had a massive grin on his face while he laughed in joy.
"You guys are so screwed now!" He roared out towards the children of Thanos whom look towards the Asgardian whom they believed was dead, they were wrong.
Thor began to race onto the battle field follow by the two aliens, "bring me Thanos!" He roared making a massive leap into the air. He slam his hammer against the Earth causing a massive electric effect on the ground which killed dozens of creatures.
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat's head filled with questions, 'where did Thor get that axe?' 'How would he react when he sees Loki alive' 'What was he doing with a talking racoon and an Ent?'
When the disturbance reaches the edge of the trees, it turns into vast moving mounds of earth that easily bypass the force field and emerge -- Threshers, sets of massive, motorized spiked wheels, intended for nothing more than shredding everything in their paths.
"Fall back!!! Fall back now!!" King T'Challa shouts at everyone.
December 16, 2018

The two whom were in the air began to try and destroy one of the half a dozen wheels which roll through. They shoot dozens of attacks until it fell, Celia use the dust which came from the fall of the device as a sharp weapon slicing many of the monsters which surrounded her. Her breathe was deep, while she was faint. She was ill exhaust from all the magic she had use to defeat many of the creatures.
In the distance she saw a light of ruby red controlling the wheels and taking out many of the monsters as well.
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Guys, we got a Vision situation here." Sam informed to the team, but he gets tackled by a leaping Outrider.
"I got him!" Bruce answered.
"On my way" Wanda was about to go bur gets clobbered by Proxima Midnight's pommel and rolls down into the large ditch.
"I'll go!" Nat teleported where Vision were.
December 16, 2018

Celia slice another beast down a breathe left her lips she rush towards the woods were Vision was located along with the other two children of Thanos were.
Proxima Midnight stood above Wanda whom held her spear in her grasp, she flip the woman over to see her eyes, "he will die alone as well you." Her voice was sharp as cold as the winter winds themselves.
"She not alone." Natasha spoke with the alien look up at her and Okoye whom stood behind her holding her spear up before they began to fight her.
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Corvus Glaive kicks Vision, knocking him down; as he attempts to rise again, Cull Obsidian shows up and swings his hammer in a full arc, throwing Vision even further. He painfully starts to climb to his feet again when a whooshing overhead interrupts the fight as Bruce Banner lands the Hulkbuster between the aliens and the android. He takes a defensive stance, pointing one hand's repulsor at each. "Ohh no, oh no you don't. This isn't going to be like New York, pal. This suit's already kicked the crap out of the Hulk".
Cull Obsidian jumps forward, grabs Bruce's right arm and Bruce in reflex grabs Obsidian's hammer; a jet fires, taking the two of them in a random direction, to the base of a waterfall."
Simultaneously, Corvus Glaive and Vision struggle in the forest at the foot of Mount Bashenga. Glaive grasps Vision's shoulder and uses the leverage to plunge his blade once more into the android's chest." I thought you were formidable, machine. But you're dying, like any man"
December 16, 2018

The two giants made it onto their feet, Cull Obsidian was the first one to attack kicking the machine body in the abdomen and sending a punch to it skull. He grab the right hand of the Hulk-Buster armor in his free hand.
"Hulk, Hulk I know you like making your appearance last second, well this, this is the last second, last second man." He stutter out while Cull Obsidian wrap his hammer around the machine arm and flip over him onto the other side of the fall, the arm rip away from his armor while Bruce cried out seeing all this play out. He cried out to the Hulk whom roared out at him before morphing once more into Banner. "Awe screw you, you green asshole I do it myself!"
Proxima Midnight swing attack after attack towards the now blonde Black Widow whom block the attacks with her combat sticks, the spike wheel rolled over the group causing a distraction for the two woman. She punch the blonde away while she block the other woman attack and flip her spear toward the ground.
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Captain America tackled Corvus Glaive and Nat took his blade from his grip with her powers. "Get out of here!" Cap commanded to Vision as he and Nat fought with Glaive. A couple of minutes later he grabbed Nat from her neck and threw her to a tree, then he turned towards Cap and tried to choke him too. Even with his physical abilities, Cap's struggling until a glaive-blade pierces Glaive's chest, and is pushed all the way through. Vision raises his enemy and holds him for a moment, before dropping Glaive's corpse to one side and collapsing exhaustedly. Vision helps Cap to stand up and he helps Nat.
" I thought I told you to go" He said to Vision.
"We don't trade lives, Captain."
December 16, 2018

Bruce used his thrusters to fly above Cull Obsidian, he began to send punch after lunch towards the monsters head until the beast grab his fist in his grasp and threw a hard right hook. He fell into the water in a harsh motion, Obsidian grab his ax he ran to attack him, a form of water grab the other Hulk-Buster arm and Celia rush in slamming the button which sent him into the barrier. Where he explode into millions of pieces.

Proxima Midnight try to slice the blonde neck whom black and fought against the woman letting out a small grunt. Wanda ruby red energy form around the woman and she grew her into the spike wheel where she was killed. Tasha let out a pant, "that was disgusting." Her face covered in blood.
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Wanda landed next to Vision, "Are you okay?" Vision flinched in pain before he can answer, "What? What is it?"
"He's here"
The wind picked up. It felt ... strange. Eerie.
"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve said through his earpiece so everyone could hear him.
"Celia, Loki, he's coming, you have to hide" Nat whispered through her earpiece but directed the signal so just both of them could hear.
Falcon, Natasha, T'Challa and Okoye joined them.
December 16, 2018

Celia nod, she did a backwards hand spring while she slowly transform herself into a dove and flew through the forest away from where the Titan was and towards the city where she knew Thanos will not go. She saw her father whom was a raven following close behind her...
Thanos step onto the soil of Wakanda where all the heroes saw them, Bruce was the first on to attack. He miss for the Titan use the Tesseract and the Aether to make him fade through him and into a mountain behind them.
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Captain America was sent flying by purple energy before he even gets to strike a single blow. The Black Panther, armor fully charged kinetically, leaped high and with claws extended, but is easily grabbed by the throat and punched to the ground, his armor discharging violently. Falcon stoops, strafing with both Steyr pistols, but is felled when his wings become rubbery and unable to sustain flight.
Wanda and Vision argues about destroying the stone, as they do that Nat runs towars Thanos but gets fires aside with the power stone.
Wanda extends a trembling hand and starts beaming her energy at the Mind Stone.
War Machine joins the fight, firing his guns at Thanos until he uses the gauntlet to crush his armor around him and toss him aside. Bucky runs in firing, and is punched away by the Power Stone.Okoye activates the vibranium-powered elements on her spear and flings it; Power stops it inches from Thanos, and throws her and it aside while wrapping the Black Widow in unescapable bands of earth.
December 16, 2018

Groot sent his own vine hands into the ground wrapping around Thanos whom merely widen his arms apart breaking his vine hands knock the tree creature away. The Captain sent attack after attack towards the man whom three his arm towards him whom caught it in his grasp letting out a roar holding it back. He merely sent a left jab to him knocking him unconscious.
He made his way towards where the mind stone was, a woman shot a beam of red towards him. He held his gauntlet out with the stones making a shield for him, while he treachery took steps after step towards the woman whom wept. Vision whisper his list words to her before his demise with the stone shattering into millions of shards while a large blast sent the two back some distance. He made his way towards the woman whom cried, "I understand my child better than anyone." He place a gentle kind hand on her showing his sympathy towards the woman, "but now is no time to moarn."
December 16, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Now... It's not time at all" He reaches forward, clenching the gauntlet, emerald filigree surrounding his wrist, making a gesture very similar to that Doctor Strange made when activating the Eye of Agamotto. In response, a bead of yellow light starts gathering in on itself as time is reversed and growing in size, solidifying into an intact and conscious Vision.
"No!!" Wanda lunges for Vision and is swatted away.
Thanos picks up Vision by the throat, lifting him to eye-level, and digs the fingers of his right hand into Vision's forehead, digging out the Mind Stone. He pulls it loose, and Vision goes limp and colorless; he tosses the lifeless android aside like trash. Bringing his gauntleted hand up, he slowly moves the Mind Stone over the last empty setting, and drops it in. The energy surge is much more than any previous, his torso is wreathed with iridescent static and he bellows from the sensations.
December 17, 2018

The powers of the stones began to flow throughout his veins, his own strength and the stones began to clash together trying to gain control of the body, til the two powers became one and merge together in harmony. He lower his head looking down to the gauntlet which rested on his hand and in his grasp while he saw all of his hardship and work shimmer in the gain at last.
A mighty blast of lighting struck him causing him to fall back onto the earth of the world. Once the charge of the lighting dissipated he stood onto his feet while Thor threw his ax towards him. He sent the power of the infinity stones towards the ax to send it away, but it over took the powers of the stones and stuck him deep in his chest.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thir landed in front of the Titan, who was down on one knee, "I told you. You'd die for that" Thor said hatefully. He takes hold of the back of Thanos's head and forces Stormbreaker deeper into his chest, staring angrily into his eyes while Thanos cries out in pain.
"You should have...you... You should have gone for the head" Thanos raises his gauntlet and snaps his fingers.
"NO!!!!" Thor cries.
December 17, 2018

An blinding white light shine through the forest blinding them all for a instance once he snap his fingers. He left were he once was in Wakanda into another world...
Once he came back to the world which he lived in he saw the God whom crying out, "what have you done?!" He close his now burnt gauntlet in his grasp as he created a portal and fell into disappearing from the God and taking his leave. Thor ax fell onto once he left onto the earth with an ring... Of defeat.
Steve made his away over to Thor, his breathe was deep while he pant out an question which Thor wonder himself. "Where did he go?" He ask hoping he would know where he would have gone...
"Steve?" He turn his head to the direction where he heard Bucky voice he saw Bucky taking towards while he held his fading hand up until her himself disappeared into a pillar of dust in the soil of Wakanda.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Many members of the team turned to dust, including T'Challa, Sam, Groot, Wanda...
"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhody asks to Steve. Nat stands up and walks towards the group.
"Oh, god..." Steve whispers.
Natasha started to sob, Bruce is about to cry too.
Nat then realizes and speaks through her earpiece "Celia! Celia! You copy me?"
December 17, 2018

(Should I be evil? Or should I not, that is the question...)
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(ohhhhh..... Both would be soooo cool🧐 or maybe kind of a anti-hero?? But it would be an interesting turn for us)
December 17, 2018

(O... I was thinking about if Celia should disappear into dust...)
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(or pretend that she turned into dust and try to get Thanos or something??? You got me very excited cause I like Celia so much, it's an incredible character πŸ˜…πŸ˜)
December 17, 2018

(Thank you, I also feel the same for your character. She is a amazing Oc, once we began to Rp I instantly knew you had a amazing character.)
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(Thank you, it means a lot... So... Did you decided what to do with her? 😬)
December 17, 2018

(I flip a coin over the matter, it always landed on tails...)
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(and that means.... Or is it a surprise?)
December 17, 2018

The two gods saw a woman whom walk through the city holding a small child in her arms fall into a mere pile of dust, leaving the child crying out for his mother...
Celia remove her locket from her neck for the first since she had received it and place it into her father hand, he turn his head away from the city and towards Celia. His eyes shine in fear seeing his little girl slowly turn into dust, he threw his arms around her trying to hold her in his grasp for her not to disappear...
"I love you..."
He fell onto ground of the city losing his balance, his hold on his daughter.
The locket open in his grasp, a picture of him and his daughter whom he held in his arms, she was only a few years younger than she... was...
Tears fell onto the picture and the world went mute.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Celia! Celia!" There was no answer, her heart was about to explode she ran from there, she needed to find them, she could hear Bruce calling her name, but she didn't cared. She ran and ran, calling both of their names, then she found him... She felt relieved but then she noticed that he was alone, and crying. She could not believe that... It couldn't be real... She stood there for a moment, then she did the only thing that she could do that moment, she walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him, not saying a word, he just lost the most beautiful and important person in his life, he just lost his world.
December 17, 2018

(Stupid penny...)
His breathes where hitch almost as if he couldn't breathe, he couldn't he was drowning in his regrets... He felt nothing except the weight which continue to drown him and take him further into the abyss of his cold isolated mind.
Why was her? His little sweet angel whom deserve far more than he could ever give her. Whom he raised, whom he taught, whom he hurt, whom he broke, whom he loved.
Whom loved him.
Why couldn't it been him? He deserve it far more... Not her... not his baby girl.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat held him for a very long time, she knew that he didn't even realized that she was there, she didn't cared though... She couldn't leave him alone and she would stay as long as he needed her to stay. Her eyes filled with tears, why Celia, she didn't deserve that, it should be a way... A way to fix that...
December 17, 2018

His senses slowly came back to him, he felt someone holding them in their small yet muscular arms, a woman. He saw the dark yet soak uniform they wore, he smelt the salt from his tears he had cried. He heard foot steps slow foot steps in the distance, they were heavy, heavy from all they had took and for they had lost.
He remove his head from the woman shoulder to see it was Natalia, "I'm sorry..." He was he was sorry for everything he had done in the last ten years.
It was his fatal Thanos collect all the stones... He failed everyone. Even the Titan.
The Titan promise him he would wish for the sweet pleasure of pain if he fail, he gave it to him.
He wipe his tears away from his now cold emerald eyes which almost seem to be shatter yet still held together.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat shook her head softly, "No..." what else could she say... It was hard for her comfort peopke in a daly basis but this was something else.
She couldn't even imagine how was he feeling or if he was feeling something. What in the world could say to make him feel better. She looked at his eyes, and held his face in the most gentle way she could, she kissed his forehead and she held him again.
December 17, 2018

He took one last long hitch breathe in until he remove himself from her grasp in a gentle manner not to hurt her emotionally that is. He stood onto his feet, he place the locker around his own neck to keep it close to him til he found away to return it to his little girl whom he will return to this world, he will die if he must to have her back of only for a minute.
He offer a hand to her.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She took it and stood up, she started to walk slowly, they had to get back with the others, but not just yet, she remained silent as they walked, but yet her mind was thinking.
December 17, 2018

He merely walk, he did not know where, but anywhere shall be fine. He was lost, he was once he came to Midgard once more, but he was lost in far more ways...
Was this how his mother felt when she had believed he died when he had fell of the Bi-Frost a mere ten years ago... It merely took ten years for him to lose everything...
Except his brother, he needed to find his brother.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She leaded him to the citadel, the main building was in ruins but the team was there, they were talking and they noticed Nat and Loki coming. Thor recognized his brother from the distance he was furious, how could he trick him again, we was about to confront him but Natasha stopped and made a gesture to him to calm down, he noticed, one person was missing.
December 17, 2018

Steve notice Thor one thunderous blue eye spark to life with pure rage for what he saw, he turn his head towards where the God headed. He saw the silhouette of Loki in the distance, he rush after Thor. He knew they did not need another fight especially not between the two brothers. He soon notice their was no rich Irish ascent being spoken telling a lesson which Celia had learn. It hit him than it hit Thor whom slow down to a stop, they notice Celia was... gone.
Loki threw his arms around his brother which his brother expected him to do. He did not expect this reaction as well. the last he saw the two brother together one was trying to kill the other in pure rage and jealousy. Like Bruce once said he was a bag full of cats.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat walked slowly towards the rest, looking at the brothers share a hug, it was a shame that the reason they were hugging was a dreadful one, "You ok?" Natasha asked, she was kinda surprised for that gesture but she wiped that out, she sighed. "I've been better"
"Celia?" Natasha asked again.
"Yeah" she whispered.
"I'm sorry" and Nat nodded.
"How's he doing?" Bruce asked referring to Loki.
"I... I don't know..." Nat said, she didn't wanted to talk about it too.
December 17, 2018

Steve follow he shall let the two brothers be he knew Thor won't do anything to hurt his brother. He was already hurt, he saw it in his eyes which were dim and lost it sparkle to them.
He head the question which Bruce ask. "Probably not, he lost his daughter... No parent overcomes a lost of a child, none. You live with it."
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"We should let them alone" Nat said now a little annoyed, that wasn't an spectacle made for them to watch, "We need to find out who survived and we need to have a plan"
"She's right... They will join us when they're ready" Natasha said and they walked away.
Nat was hurt by her impotence... She was the kind of person who had everything under control... The one who always figured it out everything, the calculating brain... But now, she didn't had a clue, she was lost.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(I need a rp advice... I'm rpying with another girl, it wasn't good but it wasn't really bad either... But these couple days she's like "ok how about if I get every power on the universe and save all" (ok, I'm exaggerating but is something like that) and I gave it a shot...but now she wants all (and I mean ALL) the Avengers to fight for her, and I have already told her that I wasn't agree but she just not listens...and it turned really stupid... The worse part is that she kind of erased my character so I could play all the boys)
December 17, 2018

(Sorry it took me so long. I shall help you with your ill situation.)
December 17, 2018

(This is when you must take a stand, you shall not budge not matter what. If you must do not Rp for a set amount a time. You should also explain good character have weaknesses and do lose. It is a theme for character to have flaws, to lose for Stan Lee. You can have strong characters, you must know how to use them. No Person is perfect (Except Jesus) so no character should be perfect for they must be similar to a human if they have emotion, even emotionally weak ones whom tend to not have emotion. They have action which can either be ruthless and uncaring or cold and intelligence. For I do have a psychopath character whom is not a villain, but a anti-hero, whom I made seem as a villain, but it the plot twist of the story.)
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(thanks I hope she understands... Btw if I do something like that please, please tell me, I hate when people does that and it's the last thing I want to do)
December 17, 2018

(Darling I was terrified if I made my character seem amazing at to many things... When I look at her now I see a okay flaw character... But I tend to bash everything I do so I do believe she is a six maybe seven star character.)
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(It happens the same to me... I wanted her to be strong and intelligent but she has problems too and she's not even the half as powerful as some others, you know this is one of the things that I love if this our rpπŸ˜…)
December 17, 2018

(Yes same, I have yet to actually show Celia full power of even a little... I have shown a simple pair of spell, but only two. She a wizard, they have far more spells. πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜–πŸ˜«)

Steve nod his head leaving the brothers be, they will come once they are ready...

Celia watch from a distance tears form in her eyes, she hated how she had done this to her family. She wish to run back into her father arms, but she knew she must leave to find Tony, to find Thanos, to help the galaxy. She was a guardian in the Guardians of the Galaxy after all. She transform into a dove once more and flew away. She must head to where she had park her spacecraft last.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(πŸ™€πŸ™€ awesome plot twist!! But Celia is awesome)
They couldn't find the princess or the queen, Okoye was in charge now, she told them that once her people were settled she would offer them some huts where they could rest.
Nat and the team helped her to reunite her people.
December 17, 2018

Loki help in the ways he could with his magic abilities for the people of Wakanda for sometime before he wander away. Away from the people, away from the team whom always wore a look of sorrow when they saw him, away from his brother and Natalia. He walk towards where he saw mountain peaks, where he believe he could be alone. The sun began to set once he had reach a waterfall close to the foot of the mountain where he sat and watch the sunset in the far distances. He remember his daughter telling him little facts about sunsets such as they are both a beginning of a day for one half and a end for another half... Tears burn in his eyes as he held her locket in one hand and her notebook in another.
The Captain had found it near the table were Vision once was to remove the stone.
He open the notebook to see his daughter soft rounded handwriting which was written in a small organized letters in her first native language Celtic.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The team reunited to have some dinner, Nat excused herself, how could her eat in such time like that... Also, she saw Loki leave couple hours ago and he didn't returned yet, she didn't wanted tu push him, god, that was the last thing she wanted to do, but she was worried, she started to walk around but near that spot, so she could see him when he arrives, just to see if he was alright, she had to be honest she also feared he would do something stupid or reckless. She started to think about the snap... And how affected her, she thought about how the only person that she was really mourning was Celia, she then thought about Tony her oldest friend.
December 17, 2018

Rocket made his way out into the fields, he had been trying to gain contact with the others from his crew, but he couldn't. He had lost contact of Quill from his own home planet! He found it hilarious! He saw the woman whom had been helping Celia... father. He did not know how to feel about the guy, fake his death twice to his own family. He didn't blame him for the second one, he would have done to survive if the others lived.
Maybe he could contact them by Celia ship...
He made his towards the woman maybe she could help because no one seem able to. "Hey you, do you know where Celia ship is?"
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat looked behind, then down, she saw the racoon talking to her, she stood quiet for a second before she could speak, "hey... Umm what ship? What are you talking about?" she tried to sound as normal as she could sound, after all she qas just talking with an speaking racoon, nothing weird about that.
December 17, 2018

He tsk taking a seat, he had nothing better to do if he couldn't get a f*cking signal out to his friends to see how they were. "Celia had a spaceship, she was in the galaxy for like two years! I thought you knew since you seem like the closest person to her father, who I kinda hate. She left for Earth a few months ago with her ship." He explain while he continue to fiddle with a screw in his grasp with his transmitter. He was still going to try and reach them.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Well, I understand why" she commented about him hating Loki, but then she had an idea, "I didn't know about the ship, but it has to be a way to track it, I can help you to find it if you want to"
December 17, 2018

He look up to the woman away from his transmitter, he placed his screw driver down, he raised a brow. "Really, what do you want out of this? Some cool new guns or something?"
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Just curiosity, I have so much stuff in my head, I would like to distract myself for a moment... I'm Natalia by the way" if there was a possibility, but she wouldn't or ahe would? Well she's Loki's daughter after all....
December 17, 2018

He nod beginning to fiddle with his transmitter once more adjusting it to the Earth satellite. "Rocket, so why did Celia father faked his death?" He was curious on the matter, why would he leave his daughter? Especially Celia, yeah he had done his own wrong to her by throwing her in prison, but he had his reasons. He also had no idea who she was either.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat shrugged, "It's quite complicated, the first one was because he wanted revenge... I guess, the second one.. Well he had a chance to be free and he took it" she didn't wantet to give him the full version but she wanted him to trust her, he could be helpful, "We need to find some kind of computer... The main building was destroyed, but I think it won't be a problem in this country..." she said heading towards the town.
December 17, 2018

He laughed this country had the most technology on the planet for his transmitter had pick up this country before a few other ones. "Yeah no kidding, Quill told me it didn't even had fax machines!" He began to laugh at the mere idea of not having a fax machine.

Celia rode through the country side on a motorcycle at top speeds racing towards her ship. She needed to beat Rocket to it, he will be asking everyone on the matter until someone could help him. The hard part was going to be getting across the ocean, not the long motorcycle ride.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled, "So, who are you exactly, I mean, you must be part of the Guardians" She tried to make aome conversation as she found a free cottage, they walked in, obviously it seemed to be empty and 'technology free' but then the lights turned on, she started to walk around to see if there was something to help them.
December 17, 2018

He hum in response looking under the beds and cabinets where he could reach easily. "Which I am and also the best pilot in the galaxy. Quill will argue, but I am! I am also a close friend of Celia and I also having a thing for people fake body parts!" He began to laugh imaging a man waking up with out his eye, it was hilarious! It was also Thor new eye.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled again, then she found a tablet-like device, it had a usb port and speakers, no screen, but then she realized how stupid she was being, of course it didn't had a screen. She found the on button and it turned on of course. "Rocket, do you know what kind of trackee device does Celia's ship has?" the job will be easy if he knew, but in he didn't... That could take a while.
December 17, 2018

He began to laugh, her idea was to use a tracking device on Celia ship? He would have tried that over a hour ago! "Why the hell would she have a tracking device in her ship as a theft?! She not a idiot!" It was obvious why she would have remove it and destroy the device she didn't want to be thrown in prison!
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Well I had to ask" Well it had to be done by the hard way, the device projected a keyboard and seh started to type, she was getting into the NASA system, she placed a code and now they just had to ask, "I will need you to give me the date when Celia left you guys so she could come back, I also need some specifications about the ship, color, dimensions, tbings like that" she took some paper and a pen to wrote it down as they waited for the system to answer at the code.
December 17, 2018

He pull a small box towards her and climb on top of it to to see what see the tablet in her grasp... When did she leave, it was a week after Yondu death. "Umm sometime in August I think the third week. We usually don't worry about time." It was true last time he check the date was last week and that was only to cheek if they were lost. He tap his finger against his cheek Celia painted her ship multiple different colors to keep the Nova core off her. She was very smart on keeping hidden in plain sight. "It was a gold and green last I saw. Though it could be blue and sliver or violet and ruby. She paints her ship a lot. Design is a D20 Raven a fast small ship ment for at most two. It was her let say terrible mistake."
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
At least four hours passed, it was almost midnight and the code was still being processed, "it usually takes a couple of minutes, but the system must be oversaturated for what happened to day" Rocket and Nat talked about everything and nothing, she really liked this guy.
She was also thinking about Loki was he ok? Did he came back?
2Am and it worked, she started to look for any object detected in the atmosphere in August, why in earth was taking so long!
December 17, 2018

Celia was thousands of miles away from Wakanda in a stolen plane flying towards her home country Ireland... Through she could only think about one thing, her faking her death to her father. She merely wish to find Tony, maybe Thanos, but she never her father would not allow her to do such things. He did not trust her with the Grandmaster, why would he trust her on this? Thanos is far more dangerous, this was far more risky than her first plan with the Grandmaster. She was merely tired of being treated as a mere child, she wasn't, not since she lost every ounce of her innocent. She may act childish, but everyone does at times.
She did regret her action in a mere moment she saw her father crying out like she once had over him once she believe to be killed by Thanos, but far worse. He seem far more hollow. She had forgotten how much her father truly loved her. She had forgotten a lot about their once close relationship, but he scared her deep down. Everyone did.
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat had to look every single register of strange objects in the atmosphere between August and September, but then she found it, "I think I have it" she showed a picture of the ship to Rocket, of that was the ship they could teleport themselves there, then... Well there wasn't a then on her plan, she didn't knew what to do once they arrived.
December 17, 2018

He saw the ship, he knew it was Celia in a instant, he always knew it was hers because she had a model which most don't use, because it not a good offensive ship. Everyone always like powerful attack ships as of late. He was guilty of it himself. "Yep that's hers. Now I could possibly make a connection from her ship to Quill."
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"It's far from here, I could take you there" Nat said to him. She was starting to feel nervous, but find her ship gave her hope.
December 17, 2018

Rocket raised a brow, "you can also create water portals?" He ask, he swore everyone this girl knew had a quirk. He didn't question it though, "well whatever you can do than sure take me to her ship."
December 17, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"ok then... Let's go" Nat stood up next to Rocket, then she placed a hand over his back and teleported to Ireland where Celia's ship suppose to be.
December 18, 2018

Beneath their feet rich variant grass appear dancing in the wind, the river tides rise and fall to the moon pull, while the trees sways. A cottage by a small forest seem to be abandon for vines began to overgrown some of the windows to the cottage. While two little mountains surrounded the home creating a hideaway, away from society itself.
The small ship sparkle in the distance from the moonlight hitting the silver and navy paint. The ship itself was park near a lifeless stable which held no life, not even a mouse. "Am I the only one whom feels how strange the air is? It felt like the air it could kill me." Rocket said holding his hand out, he swore he saw lines of silver in the air... Was this where Celia grew up?
December 18, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I believe it is... Come on" Nat said to him, her pace was slow, she had an unexplained fear, although she found the place beautiful, it was something strange...
They reached the ship.
December 18, 2018

Rocket climb up onto Ultra shoulder slamming a button to the shuttle which open the door, he crawl down and into the shuttle. The shuttle itself was organize, a few bookshelves where to the side, a little red retro booth table from the fifties rested in the back room which house a few maps, little devices and other things. It had a woven gold curtain to separate it as if it was a bedroom. A small tidy kitchen was to the left of the booth where rested a few bottles of beer, but nothing more. A sea blue door was to the right which match the tangerine orange and creamy white interior design. The font of the ship held the co*ckpit which slowly transition to a pure white, a deep rich navy blue and a deep coal black. It held all the transmitters and devices used to fly the ship, Rocket made his way towards co*ckpit driver seat where he power the ship before he made his way to the transmitter beginning his task.
December 18, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was amazed by the ship, a little disappointed though... She hoped to find something there about her, no, she hoped to find her there, "Everything alright, Rocket?" She asked.
December 18, 2018

He growl, where was the bob screw to power the transmitter lines along with the chemical compounds... "No the two most important things are missing for me to even make a attempt to contact the others!" He roared out in outrage c out in outrage confused by why the hell she remove them? The only logical one is to keep the chemical fluid from dripping, but not the bob screw. Why was it not in it's place? Was it in the bedroom? He walk to the door press the door button open and walk into her room.

He slide his hand over the light senser turning on the lights. The room itself was a mess, a chaos of heartbreak. The bed sheets were thrown everywhere on the bed, plans littler the wall connect by strings. Broken picture frames were scatter across the room. Burnt clothes laid in a corner untouched, all of which seem to be a black. Devices litter the floor by the right hand of the bed. Chains littler the floor.
December 18, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat sighed and walked into the ship, she looked around at the different environments and then she went to the cabin she sat in the copilot seat, "what are you looking for?" she asked as she snoop the buttons and levers on the control panel
December 18, 2018

He push the many devices away from the pile, looking for the screw... "It's a small black and silver power screw." Her have the best explanation he could on the device itself... It was not in the pile. He made his way over to the nightstand and pull it open. His face drop once he saw what was in side, he grab the screw closing the drawer. He walk out of the room... "Found it." He held it up in the air acting as if he knew saw what he saw.
December 18, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Good... Need some help with that?" To be honest she wasn't even interested anymore about what Rockets had to do... She was looking for something else... She didn't knew what but she guessed that she would knew when she find it.
December 18, 2018

He threw his hand out, "no, I am a genius on stuff like this." It was how he survived so long along with the help of... Groot...
before he became a Guardian.
He place the screw in the power socket twisting it in, he open a drawer seeing the chemical compounds in the small capsules. "So what are you looking for?"
December 18, 2018

Our first Rp - Chapter 2 - Alaina0234 (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.