Gus 12 - Chapter 15 - NavyHeart (2024)

Chapter Text

The blue symbol appears, and the screen pulls out happens to be the Omnitrix, attached to Gus's wrist.

It started when an alien device did what it did
And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid
Now he's got superpowers he's no ordinary kid
He's Gus 12
(Gus 12)

The RV driving on the road while in the background is different each one is about saving the day from a crisis.

So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise
He'll turn into an alien before your very eyes
He's slimy, freaky, fast, and strong
He's every shape and size
He's Gus 12
(Gus 12)

Until another crime appears, the RV stops, and the heroes come out and charge into action.

Armed with powers, he's on the case
Fighting off evil from Earth or Space
He'll never stop 'til he makes them pay
Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save the day
(Gus 12)

Willow changes to her metal form and slams the ground causing an earthquake.


(Gus 12)

Eda twirls her staff, and coming out of her hair is King, both charging up and blasting their attacks.


(Gus 12)

Amity held up her book and, with a serious look, summoned an orb and shot to the screen.


(Gus 12)

Luz has her arms crossed in an X symbol, has purple energy in her hands, and shoots it out.


Gus smiles big while holding up his watch, turns it on, dials it, and slams it making the logo.

(Gus 12!)

Both flying cape men looking at the boy came out of their tech shells, looking way different than his original, grew up to bit taller than Flip's height, with hair longer with two small sharp spike bangs down, a head with a different shape, and a body bits muscle ectomorph, really changed is his eyes are blue.

"G-Gus...calm down," Superman stated also worried.

"What the heck he did do to me?!" Gus shouted touching his face and looking at the mirror. "I'm...oldey...I'm spiky!" He holds his neck, hearing his voice is bit deeper. "Voice deepy!"

Superman turns to the man. "What did you do?"

"Kal-El...sana eum,"

Gus looked at the man. "Why does he talk like that, can you please speak English!"

Unaware that Omnitrix's faceplate spun, causing a blue shockwave throughout the place just a second, then the man spoke again.

"I didn't mean any harm to the boy,"

Both are surprised by his finally speaking Earth's language, the man makes a hologram screen of Gus's body.

"I help heal the boys and make sure the rest he needs, it seems his newest energy plus healing capsule helped get growth spurt fast, muscle growth, even fixed part of-"

Superman covered Gus's ears. "Okay, I get the picture, maybe helped with his clothing...since he's got anything but his boxers,"

Gus realized; he looked down and realized he was indeed wearing nothing but black boxers. "AHHH!"

In the forest, all simply relaxing and certain kids explaining to their parents.

"Yes, as you can see, I'm with your Flip now, the kids are having a sleepover," Lois said looking at the Newskid Legion with a smile. "I promise they'll be back in the night,"

"Yes Father, Edward with his friends, simply hanging out together, I promise we will be back in the night, tell Mother good morning," Double D said as he hung up making a green face. "I can't believe I lied to my parents!"

"Lighten up, just glad we're alive," Eddy state

"Oh yeah, like alien invasion, suck all our brain, and stuff us with galactic worms," Ed responded does an eye roll.

Both Eds looked at him. "You needed to stop with all that alien movie watch Ed," Eddy pointed out.

"Yeah Grunckle Stan, we're saved by Gus and other heroes, we come back in the afternoon, okay...bye," Dipper said as he put his phone down.

Mabel looks down in sadness. "I hope Gus comes back safe,"

Fryea pats her head. "I'm sure he alright," My Inner self was sad about the one he changed her life. 'I hope,'

"Yes Mom and Dad, we simply have Brianna get that new Tina Sometimes' doll, you know she needed an outside bed and pillows," Kick said as he and Brianna talked while Brad rocked himself.

Brianna takes the phone. "That's right, Mom, Dad, we promise to get home in the afternoon," She hangs up, she sighs. "Hope is good to shop for it."

"This is too much, I nearly..." Brad said realizing about to say, until act tough. "I mean, I don't scare some octopus alien if he comes, I talk down of that-"

Willow looked up. "He's back!"

Brad screams much of Kick and Brianna's annoyance, all of them seeing Superman flying down with Gus in his arms. He landed far from them, and then Superman took off flying far from them. Gus seems to be wearing a kind of blue body jumpsuit with dark brown boots.

"Thanks for bringing me back," Gus called out


Gus turns everyone going to him, mostly in front is his mother, Martha, who let out tears, the boy happily, running to her. "MOM!"

Like in slow motion, both charged to each other, ready to embrace each other and glade their safe, Martha shouted his name. "Gus!"

"Mom!" Gus shouted seeing his mom again after just a month.

"Kiddo!" Martha shouted seeing her little boy was alright.

"Ma!" Gus looked at her with a big smile.

Martha realized that her son had been lying to her and her husband, making her anger rise, and getting a glare. "Gus..."

Gus saw her behavior change, making him confused, as he spoke. "Mom?"

Martha charged her son angrily, having rage looked and yelled at him. "AUGUSTUS!"

Gus alarmed of she says his full name, one thing...she is angry at him, and quickly turns around to run away while shouting even in slow motion. "Oh, Fried Undercooked Chicken Kentucky!"

Everyone sweatdrops seeing Martha, chasing Gus who screaming for his life, she shouts angrily. "GET BACK HERE, DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS!"

Gus suddenly gets a forcefield around him that protects him from Martha, he relieves and looks up and sees his savior. "Thanks, Amity."

"Okay, we all are a bit confused, let's all calm down and talk...What Gus?!" Amity questions seeing Gus look different. "You looked...older!"

Whenever people look at Gus, they all have the same reaction. They see a little kid who looks ten years old and wants to cuddle him because he's so cute. But now he looks like someone who can go outside and hang out with friends, the one who wanna take on the world.

Haliey blushes and places her hands on her cheeks. "Oh looked, kind to say..."

Mabel has hearts in her eyes, drooling. "Hot!"

Gus chuckled as rubs his head. "Yeah, about that-"

Amity accidentally releases her energy shield that Gus was in when she was so surprised by Gus's change, he was scared of who's protected him now from...only he gets hugged by his mother, and she looks at him with worry. "W-What happened to my baby?!"

Gus embarrassed by his mom's affection looked at them. "Okay okay, I got a lot of explaining, but first...can we go to a place that can relax, and I know what to pick...and someone is waiting for us,"

"Dame it...Dame it!"

In a place that looks like a prison surrounded by water, each sector has loads of young adults and teens...This is Riker Island, recycling up trash from different countries, while security guards are watching them, one of them is Horace who is pissed off that he is in this place, he got plans for the summer...but no, that little nerd Porter has to say no, he searching for him, he thought funded him, he has beaten up a random kid so bad sending him to a hospital, thus sends him to a juvenile center.

"That little squirt, I make sure he will bleed when I find him," Horace threatened with a dark look until another load of trash came in. "Will you stop dropping trash on me!"

Then he spotted something that interested him, a red and black machine that happened to be the machine from the campsite on the very first day of Summer. Once see take looked around realizes he's alone, he goes inside the place, and sees loads of wires and junk, making a smirk thinking it's cool. A wire static, and he thought might turn the place on, grabbed the two wires. "Heh, bet I can turn this dump into my own-"

Suddenly, once the wires are connected, the whole thing turns on, which begins to glow red, the lens spots Horace, who becomes nervous, and the cables from the machine start to wrap around Horace who lets out a bloody scream, loads of metal begin to connect to him, he feeling the pain of loads of stabbing throughout his body, then some red lines go through his mouth and his eyes. He felt wires putting in his head, getting all the formation past month of certain one, he began to smile...more sinister and laughed manically, knowing what to do.

Outside, two security guards search for one missing prisoner. "Horace...where are you?!" He then spots the machine flashing red until goes black, both guards aim their guns at it. "Alright, you better come out, don't plan anything foolish!"

Then both hear stomping until the machine by huge impact causes the guards to the ground, the wires begin to form a metal, like a full giant bulk body suit with red, purple, and gray, red energy coursing through the body, having a helmet of a rhino horn gun, with red visor lens, having a gray mouth guard.

"Oh I got a plan alright," Horace shouted as made a stomp. "Get that Porter a beat down of his life!"

Horace begins to stomp away, leaving only big rhino footprints behind while a small earthshake, goes into the water with a big splash.

In the morning, the two RVs are parked at the Le' Roys, and everyone is counted including Clark Kent explains Superman dropped him off to make sure his friends and kids are safe, eating their breakfast. The kids have their group table chatting and having fun, while the adults are simply at the counter.

"Hmm, so good," Ed said eating loads of breakfast.

"Gotta admit, this is good," Freya states as she drinks her milk.

"The one thing for sure that one thing misses about GraveField is this amazing place," Gus said eating his muffin and looking at his friends. "Then suddenly at the last moment, I used that crystal to help boost the watch, changes into this, and then I took down Vilgax while changing alien to alien, without touching the watch, even though I am so tired and hungry...I push through my limits for all of your safety!"

"That's awesome!" Kick shouted do his peace signs.

"Yeah, can you show us?!" Mabel shouted with a big smile.

"Sure!" Gus shouted stood up, and held up his hand. "Okay, go Strong Arms!" He closes his eyes and focuses on his watch, but nothing, he struggles. "I say...Strong Arms!" Still, nothing happened, the boy looked at his watch. "Come on...please don't tell me is busted again,"

"Not at all..." Scan added in all turned him. "When you used the crystal to enhance the Omnitrix it gave you a great boost of power but that boost was only temporary to all appearances the Omnitrix is functioning as it was before Vilgax appeared."

That news saddens Gus as Luz pats his back. "Sounds like it's back to square one," she spoke.

Scan looked at him. "The Omnitrix truly is a magnificent piece of technology and I'm certain there's, even more, to discover about it,"

Sarah smiled at him. "And I'm certain someone will unlock it,"

"Alright, can explain what happened to you, that watch!" Martha shouted turning to her mother-in-law. "And where get that weapon to stop that alien squid,"

Both Gus and Doris looked at each other, the grandmother stood up. "Well considering I've kept my secret for much longer I think it's only fair that I go first."

Everyone had their eyes on Doris, while some of the gang knew about Gus and the Omnitrix, but all of them didn't know what with Doris. Perry only focused on his mother, wanting to know what she was keeping from him for so long.

"So, you know how I told you kids about how I was doing Plumber's work before retired and opened my restaurant?" Doris asked

Gus shivers at that question, he rubs his arms. "Take the family to school, I was flushed down the toilet, washing five times each day after school,"

"But the job is not of we are thinking?" Amity asked which gained a nod from Doris. "So, what was that weird bunker in Mount Rushmore all about?"

"I was part of something far more secret and intense than imagined…The Plumbers." Doris answered

"Plumbers?" Lois questioned with her eyebrows raised. Everyone else's expression matched Lois's.

"Yes, but it's not the kind of plumbers you're thinking of. Officially we didn't exist. We were the group that fixed the problems no one else could...we like whole Galactic Defense aka Space Cops, taking down bad guys from outta space, keeping whole space save from any threat like Vilgax." Doris continued her story.

Gus walked up to his grandmother. "No way... Mama D, so all this time whenever I was doing hero work, I was following in your footsteps," he says as he looks up at his grandma with a smile.

Doris smiled at him warmly, she ruffled her grandson's hair. "Looks like it's Gus and I couldn't be prouder of you."

"So, wait," Luz interrupted, she looked at Doris. "You knew everything that was going on?"

"Not until spots the watch," Doris explained. "Trust me, I was just as surprised as you all when those aliens came popping up out of nowhere."

"So did you know about the Omnitrix?" Willow asked.

"Just myths and rumors Willow...I wasn't at all expecting it to be on Gus's wrist of all places." Doris continued explaining.

"Interesting. An organization specially trained to protect Earth from extraterrestrial lifeforms while having access to technology that puts some of man's greatest achievements," Double D said rubbing his chin, smiling at the group.

"Looks like it's your kind of group sockhead," Eddy muttered

"Oh, don't think of it like that, the Plumbers take in that mind, skill above all heart, I show it when helping people get to safety even taking down an alien who almost destroyed water damn, thus meeting my husband as both was recruited," Doris said with a smirk.

All were surprised at her story, which takes a lot of becoming a Plumber in her time, Bubbles turns to Gus. "So, Gus, how did you escape the ship?"

"And looked like that?" Dipper question

"That part I want to know," Martha stated with her arms crossed.

Gus sighs, finishing his breakfast. "Okay, it goes like this...I used one of my alien forms to escape the ship, and land on Earth,"

All looking at him with confusion, Gabby spoke in confusion. "You...used an alien to survive the Earth's Atmosphere?"

"No alien in that watch can survive that much heat," Lilith responded with a raised eyebrow.

Gus raises his index finger with a smile. "That is your wrong,"


Gus runs to the hole and activates his watch, he presses his watch, quickly thinks, and presses the right alien...Scratch!

"I needed something to hold to return to Earth, so...I used the crystal."

The ship explodes, and a large crystal emerges from it. It descends rapidly, causing everything to catch fire, including Scratch, who screams in agony. The challenge is to guide the crystal since everything appears red. The only option is to aim for what seems like a white surface area. The crystal lands with a loud bang, creating a massive icy crater. Smoke emanates from the hole, and Scratch crawls out using his hand. Suddenly, Scratch transforms into his original self again, smiles, and says, "I made it." The dial then switches to Gus, who feels cold air and rubs his arms. He looks around and realizes that he is in an icy place. "Oh, come on..."

"I was...hungry...tired...and now cold, I thought I was gone, until I forgot about the crystal."

Gus turned around to see the glowing crater he had created. He noticed the crystal on the frozen surface, which began to move downwards. The boy became nervous, thinking that the crystal might cause a huge problem until a small crystal shard popped out of it. Confused, he thought that something had caused a huge change in the place. He went closer to the crystal and examined it. "Well, it's a crystal, and it's alive...maybe. Willow says that plants have feelings, so maybe I can complement it," the boy thought. He kneeled in front of the crystal, trying to think of a way to approach it, and spoke gently. "Hi, little rock,"

At a sudden moment, a massive white crystal shard sprang out of the ground causing him to panic. He tried to escape, but unfortunately, another shard blocked his path. Everywhere he went, he was met with more shards, which now covered him completely. The only thing he could do to protect himself was to curl up on the ground with his head covered and legs close to his chest. After about five minutes, he felt a warmth, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a white void with black shard machines floating around him.

"Se on okei poiss..."

Gus looked up and saw a man in a white, black, and gray jumpsuit with a white cape, having a similar S symbol. "W-Who are you?"

The man held a hologram of Gus as having a bit of critical damage to different spots of his body. "Ma aitan sind nagu sina aitad mu poega,"

Gus sees himself getting inside a sphere capsule making the boy freak out. "Hey, what gives?!" Only felt the softness of the capsule, and realized it was a bed.


Gus sees a blue gas all over, making him feel sleepy, and then he passes out, the boy sleeping peacefully as the capsule turns black, placing in the air...and glowing blue light from inside.

Flashback Ends...

Gus smiled at them. "The man in white helped me, and I am grateful to him. And that's what happened everyone."

In the restaurant, everyone was shocked as their jaws dropped in a looney way, to hear the story of a boy who survived Earth's atmosphere with a cat alien that burnt to a crisp and a crystal that turned into a living fortress. The boy's appearance had changed because a man had helped him transform into his new form. People wondered if he was lucky, a little foolish, or perhaps just crazy.

"One problem is my clothes shrunk, really hard to fit in my clothes," Gus said looking at himself, then realized. "Wait, where's my favorite hoodie?"

Blossom speechless, slowly held up Gus's damaged hoodie. "Oh Gus, it was destroyed by the ship,"

Gus grabbed his hood, frowning at it. "Aw come on, this is my favorite hoodie since made it online...well gotta find something new,"

"I think I heard of it," All of them turn to Martha who still glaring. "Augustus, you gonna take that watch,"

The main group looked at each other awkwardly. Eda coughed a little and came up to Martha. "There's a small problem with that Martha." She started explaining.

"What are you talking about?" Martha said in an annoyed tone while glaring

"It doesn't come off Ms. Porter, Gus tried but it failed," Willow explained.

"Yeah, mom," Gus spoke with a smile. "I remember being told that it's bound to my DNA, nothing on Earth can take it off and whoever tried, will alarm the failsafe."

Martha pinches her nose, trying to keep her cool after that part until a nice car pulling up to the restaurant caught everyone by surprise. "Good, it's here," Everyone confused about what's she saying, and then looking at her. "Perry, Augustus, we're going home, and you young man...are grounded,"

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted mostly the main group including Gus.

"B-But Mom," Gus tried to reason with her only to get glared.

"You get your belongings from that RV and we're leaving," Martha responds pushing Gus to the exit.

"Whoa, Perry, try to reason with her," Doris said only she gets a disapproved look from her son.

"Mom, I always followed your words, always kept my head in my studies...sending me to a private school, thought to keep me on the right path, but all the time you and father nothing doing space cop," Perry replied

"Perry, we wanna make sure we keep the planet safe for you," Doris explains with a frown.

"But nothing, all the time is nothing but a big old lie, you know me, I can understand risk and understand to send me away, but and dad keep the secret from me...all the time we could spend together, but you two just seeking adventures," Perry said looked away.

Doris tried to find the words to say but couldn't find any. It was true, she and her husband were often away on Plumber missions and frequently had to leave their only son alone while they were away. "I'm sorry Perry,"

Perry follows his wife, bringing Gus away as he looks at his friends, forming a frown. "Guys, I'm sorry, Luz, Willow, Amity, we're home, you guys at least visit your home now, see you guys soon, it good to see you guys, hope you return home safely,"

As everyone looked on, they saw the boy who had just saved them being driven off, and a sense of sadness and loss descended upon them. They knew that he had risked everything to help them, and they were grateful for his bravery and sacrifice. Gus, the boy in question, had done everything he could to aid them and transform into something new, but his efforts were in vain. Despite his best intentions, his parents grounded him and sent him home, leaving him feeling helpless and alone. As the reality of the situation sank in, Gus couldn't help but wonder if he had done enough to make a difference, or if there was anything else he could have done to help those in need.

"Poor Gus," Jimmy said while Lois nodded.

"There gotta be something we can do, anything at all," Lois stated looking at the main group.

"I know you what to do Lois, you can go do that plan, and I going to make a bit of a detour," Clark smiled at her.

"Ahahaha, serve that brat right," Brad laughed making everyone glare at him. "I sure being crying down, can't tell everyone back home, but my story is weeping while the Brad being the man,"

Before everyone starts shouting at Brad, Doris goes to him. "Say, young man, you want to photo?"

"Oh yeah Brad, now that's what I am talking about, where is the lens?" Brad asked turning to her.

Doris flashes a strange device in front of Brad, just making dull eyes, everyone is surprised at what just happened, she has an annoyed look. "Alright, what just saw is your dream that you made you realize that your life is meaningful, so you and the ones around you get your grades high enough to get into college and be nice to those around are a young adult who smells like a skunk and hurt kids that might send to prison, get yourself clean and moving forward."

Brad drools a bit. "Uh-huh?"

Both Kick and Brianna were surprised, by the ladder. "You change him?"

"Yes, making sure he doesn't know anything about Gus's watch and anything about all of this," Doris answered

Brianna smiled big. "Thank you for changing him, worried that he might lived in my parent's garage all his life,"

"He can go home first when Hooty is recharged, you can stay a little longer if you want," Eda said

"Yeah, wanna see how this day ends," Brianna replied

"And help we needed since my man saved," Kick stated with a smirk.

Gus got to his house; he was about to walk to his room, but his mom stopped him by shouting. "Gus wait, just need to know I do it to protect you,"

"But why do we have to leave like that?!" Gus shouted looking down with a frown. "I didn't even chance to say a proper goodbye,"

Perry goes to his son. "I'm sorry son, I know you bonded with them, but this hero nonsense has to stop,"

Gus is confused about what his dad just said. "What do you mean by nonsense?!" He held up his watch to them. "I've helped so many people with the Omnitrix! You guys and Mama D say helping people is the greatest award,"

Martha frowned at her son's words at first but regained her composure and simply looked at him with a serious. "Yes, like helping the elderly cross the street and picking up the trash. Not whole...fighting the forces of evil, it's not your place to do that Augustus. You should just leave it to the people whose job it is to handle people like that."

Gus continued to frown at his mother's words. Was she serious? Did she think that the like of the police could handle the people and creatures he's taken down? "Mom are you even hearing yourself right now? You've seen some of the stuff I've faced from the news...The Krakken, those criminals with tech guns, disasters come each moment from a different country we travel...I can't just turn away."

"You wouldn't even need to deal with things like those if that watch wasn't on your wrist...and... and..." Martha looked at her son with a bit of teary eyes. "I won't lose my baby like before!"

Both of them look at her in confusion her sadness, Martha turns away as she frowns completely depressed, and Perry comforts his wife, and looks at his son. "Son, please just go to your room,"

Gus looked at them, then walked to his room with his bag, he closed it, and he looked at his watch. "Why can't they understand,"

Back in the living room, Perry and Martha sitting on the couch, the husband looking at her. "Marie, what's mean by before,"

Martha looked at Perry, she could tell him, about...everything, but if he understood, her son understood? She doesn't want to lose them, and last, of her courage, she speaks. "Perry, there's something I want to tell you-"

A knock on the door on the door, and both of them looked at each other in confusion, as if they going to the front door, opening as make them shocked looked.

At the Noceda Household, someone putting all the Azura stuff in a box. Revealing to be...Luz, who seems her hair combed down with an orange hair clip, has on a blue sweat jacket with an orange collar shirt underneath, black pants, and blue shoes.

"Mi Hija!" voice downstairs.

"Coming Mama!" Luz said to place the box down and walk down.

Luz came down to see a lady who happened to be her mother, Camila. "Yes, mom?"

"Lunch is almost ready, all need to take out the trash," Camila answered

"Sure, just finish cleaning up my room," Luz said making Camila feel uneasy about her daughter letting go of her habit that easily.

"Mi Hija, are you sure... it's you're collectible-" Camila said sees Luz grabbed the bag.

"Mama, I'm you say, I need to let things go," Luz said walking to the back door.

"Okay, be sure to wash your hands when taking out the trash," Camila said focusing on the dish she was making.

Luz goes back yard and sees the trash from the side, she opens the lid, places the bag in, and then places the lid back, only to see another Luz who looks the same with an angry look, and Amity is shocked.

"YOU!" Luz shouts angrily

Hey there! The Park household has two lovely residences that love to do some gardening work from their backyard. Initially, Willow was the only one doing the gardening, but now both Harvey and Gilbert have joined in to keep themselves fit and healthy for Willow. While they were busy with their gardening, they suddenly heard the gate open up and were thrilled to see their daughter, who had a big smile on her face.

"Hi dads," Willow greeted waving at them.

Harvey and Gilbert stand up, run to Willow, and both hug their daughter, they're misses their little girl until one of them spots Willow without her gloves. "Willow, where are your gloves?"

Willow smiled at them. "Dads...something I needed to talk about my summer,"

"Please...don't hurt me!"

The other Luz is cornered, while the real Luz and Amity confront her. Both of them want at least a day to talk to Camila about everything that happened during the summer, but they never imagined that another being who looks just like Luz would take over her life.

Luz was angry until seeing the fear in her eyes, she spoke in comfort. "Calm down, I just wanna talk."

"Talk?!" Amity glared at Luz alike. "Luz, she was in your house, look like you, taking over your life!"

"I know, but she looks terrified," Luz said

"Maybe she is from a place that is not from here, maybe we should-" Amity responded stopping by another Luz's scream.

"NO!" the other Luz scream getting panicked and holding her head. "I can't go back, you make me-" she began to breathe heavily, her eyes beginning to change.

Both girls looked in surprise, and Luz spoke. "Y-Your-"


Camila came out of the house. "What's taking so long-"

Interrupted by seeing a girl with two Luzes, one of them has a different coloring ears and eyes now. "What's going on here?!"

"Mom, let me explain," Luz said

"I can't go back, you can't make me!" The other Luz shouts running off.

Luz reaches out. "Hey wait!"

Far from the GraveField, two separate roads one of them is a bit of traffic, one of the cars there's a dad with two kids finger-playing guns, doing little shooting at the traveling cars, until one of them does a bazooka phase that causes one of the cars explosives, much everyone shocked, until hearing stomping and whole car shake. Everyone sees a giant techno rhino-like being stomping through an open road, shooting down with an energy beam coming from the horn.

"Oh yeah, loved this suit!" Horace shouted seeing his hometown sign just another hundred miles away. "I'm coming for you, Porter!"

As the second Luz makes her way toward the museum, she can feel her heart racing faster with each step. Her palms are slick with sweat, and her chest heaves with each ragged breath. When she finally reaches the corner, she stops abruptly, her body trembling with exhaustion and fear. She clutches her head, trying desperately to forget the painful moments that have been etched into her memory. Despite her efforts, the memories come flooding back, vivid and overwhelming. She feels helpless and alone, trapped in a moment she can never escape.


At place looks like a dungeon, with each cell, having some slik beings; semi-humanoid upper bodies, with their lower halves being long and serpentine. Similar to reptiles, they are covered in scales, and have claws, serrated fangs, nictating membranes, and a wedge at the end of their tail, although they grow hair like mammals do, mainly on their heads, ears, and backs. They have wide heads resembling a snake's and visible lips, but with webbed ears and glossy, frog-like eyes that are noted to have large black irises...they are Basilisks.

Then two people come in cloaks, which happen to be color gray. "So many here, is enough?"

"Well is enough for our plan, these creatures will meet their end," The other said with eyes having a dark look.

Then she sees the two cloak figures walking out of the place making all scream to let them out. One of them is greenish with blue hair, holding onto big ones that happened to be its parents...after months, loads of her people disappear, only someone phasing inside, which happens to be a ghost!

Then flashes of a building that's on destroy, each Basilisk runs off separately even in the forest, the small one traveling, seeing lights thus making her panic, until tripped on a rock, looking to see a stone gate in the middle of a forest, really confused of a one stone gateway...with a familiar ghost that saved them, he splash small blue liquid on the gate top, as turning into a living golden portal. The ghost goes inside it, and the creature seeing the portal, sees the lights getting closer, so a final chance of escape, she takes a deep jump as it closes once got through.

The little basilisk seeing herself in a forest, sees this place having a blue sky and yellow sun and trees are green, she getting used to it. She hears a voice, she goes to one of the bushes and sees Luz on the sidewalk

"Mama, I know...but this summer vacation, I think my friends needed to be closer, I think about it coming back if something comes up," Luz said hanging up only to see the RV come on. "Or maybe not,"

Luz got in the RV, it drove off, the little basilisk saw the RV keep on driving, and then got an idea, she began to morph, changing her appearance completely, looking like Luz. Then suddenly a car driver comes in, parking in the house's parking spot. Coming out is Camila, who is completely confused about why her daughter is still here.

"Hija?" Camila questioned tilting her head.

After answering the phones pretending to be Camila, she thought she had more time but it seemed she was wrong. Once looking at the pond, and realized her face had morphed a little, she took a deep breath. "I gotta get outta here before someone notices," She got wrapped in rope, and fell on the ground, she was shocked to be captured and looked up to see a man with the nametag Jacob Hopkins. "You!"

"Oh too late for that girlie, I can show everyone what you truly-" Jacob shouted but only got grabbed by a large metal hand. "Huh?"

"Sorry creepo," Horace said holding Jacob in the air. "She mine..."

Horace throws Jacob one of the museum's windows and smashes through it while he screams, the big robotic rhino looks down at Basilisk who is scared in her life.

"W-What do you want with me?" She asked frightened by the monstrous rhino.

"To be as bait Noceda," Horace answered

Traveling the car, it is Camila, Luz in front with her, while Amity is at the back, they look for Luz alike, not hurt her...only to help her.

"In the whole time, you girls have been saving the day," Camila said seeing a kitty going to the passes through the street, and a fast car coming in. "Oh no!"

The cat just got grabbed by a pink aura and quickly got away from the car, Camila saw Amity get a pink aura through her hand, and the Blight looked at Camila. "Surprised,"

Camila stopped at her car, stunned, looking straight ahead, trying to process what happened. "That is a lot to take in,"

" tell me that magic runs in the family," Luz said with hopeful eyes.

Camila looked at her. "Luz, magic is not the reason, your father was an alien,"

Both girls, mostly Luz, were shocked when she realized that her father was an alien and that she inherited his powers, before she spoke, then Amity screamed in panic. "LOOK OUT!"

They see an energy beam coming, Amity does a quick move and uses a pink shield that stops the blast, but the pressure hits the car, They feel small earthquakes, see a giant robot rhino come in, grab the whole of the third door, breaks it, and grabbing one of them. Luz seeing the robot rhino leaves with someone she cares about. "Amity!"

As Willow sat comfortably on the couch in the Parks household's living room, she opened up to her friends about everything that had been troubling her lately. She talked about the battles she and her allies had fought, the challenges they had faced, and the sacrifices they had made along the way. Willow also shared her struggles with Amity's friendship and the difficulties she had been facing with her powers. She spoke candidly about her fears and worries, and her friends listened attentively, offering their support and understanding. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, both parents looked in shock.

"Oh my...Willow, are you okay?" Harvey asked

"Yeah Dad, it's...just I learned so much in a short time with my friends and handling my powers," Willow stated looking at them, with a smile. "It's good to see dads, thing I wanna know, I find out who I am,"

Both are alarmed by what Willow says, they look wilder. " know,"

"Remember I said about turning into a mutant from Gus's watch, with Luz and Amity helping, to restore my memories, he finds out I am in a lab with other kids...I not a half-alien?"

Both Harvey and Gilbert are guilty, knowing kept the secret is no more, Gilbert spoke. "Yeah, sweetie, someone kidnapped you, you missing for months, and we tiringly searching for you until Martha Porter, saved and other kids who were captive by those insane people. Even you with those powers, we loved you the same as always Willow,"

Willow's heart was filled with joy as she hugged her dads, feeling proud and grateful to have them in her life. However, her happiness turned into shock and disbelief as she came across some troubling news on the screen.

Just before all this happened, the Porter's Household, Gus was lying in bed while throwing a baseball in the air. His eyes looked dull and tears were rolling down his cheeks. His parents had been grounded from hero work, and his summer trip was cut short. Gus understood that his parents only tried to protect him from getting hurt. However, he was worried because he had the watch and he knew that villains would come after it. He was also upset because he didn't want to hear the cries of people who needed help and had to stand by helplessly.

Gus tightens his ball, thinking all of the time about having fun with his friends, meeting others, and even saving the lives of whole newfound strength within him...especially fighting to protect everyone he loved, he can't give up now, especially Vilgax, sure he was in the ship when it explosive in piece but, a guy like him, don't die like that. "'s so no FAIR!" He throws his ball near his TV cabinet, only crashes one of his precious machines, and smashes it into pieces, making him alarmed and horrified. "MY GAME STATION!"

Gus gazed at the broken object in his hands, thinking it was beyond repair. Suddenly, something clicked in his mind, and he remembered how to use a strange shockwave to shut down Vilgax's ship. This power didn't come from the Omnitrix, but from within himself. With a serious look, he cast his gaze upon his broken game system. He raised his hand towards it and took a deep breath before a glowing line of technology appeared on his eyelids and sparks began to fly from his hands. The entire station was bathed in a brilliant blue light as he worked tirelessly to fix the system, piece by piece. With each part he fixed, the system came together and was better than ever before. Gus closes his eyes, and feels a bit sweaty from doing that, he reopens his eyes shocked to see his game station is now fully fixed yet more futuristic due to having a blue lining.

The boy looking at his hands. " powers?"

Then heard someone knock on his door. But he knew whoever it was would just keep knocking until he answered. "Yeah?"

"Kiddo?" Martha's voice from behind the door.

Gus turned the door, with a frown, though he did wanna be left alone, trying to figure out the powers he had, another knock again, he simply said. "Mom...please...I just wanna be alone,"

"Sweetie, your friends are here...just wanna hang out before going home," Martha responded

Upon hearing his friend's approval to come here, Gus looked at his now opened door, seeing others come in all seeing nothing but pitch black room but having colorful glowing stars up the top of the ceiling.

"Not good for you staying in the dark," Freya said as Martha flicked the switch on.

The lights came on and everyone had loads of faces; Gus's room could fit at least two people and had its own large wooden TV cabinet, half of the video games and movies, and the bottom was his newest repaired system. The area is half of the posters, a bookshelf full of comics/books, and toys, with a design rectangular lava lamp, with loads of music with a system above it. The other half has a computer desk with a flat-screen computer and a lamp on it, a second bookshelf with loads of books for studying, and paintings on the walls, and next to the computer desk is a large black metal rectangular prism, inside its small branch, dirt, inside it's a...

"Oh a chameleon, a three horns one." Double D said looking at it, once the lizard spots him, his skin turns black."Oh, he copy my hat,"

"Yup, meet Emmeline, Emmeline Bailey Marcostimo, but called her Emily for short," Gus said

"Uhh, why do you call her that?" Flip the question with a little confusion.

"Three people rescued her, and gave her to me, as thanks, I named her after them," Gus answered standing up. "Why are you guys here?"

"Still waiting for that bird recharge, so we gonna spent time with you," Eddy said looking around. "The looks of it, you got a sweet room,"

"It's like whole fun yet study for you," Edward stated with a smile.

"What can I say, I just loved having fun but still having time to study every inch of a book in my life," Gus said looking at them. "Well, you got bags, what for?"

Mabel held up a clothes store bag. "This is for new clothes for you,"

Gus smiled, then realized, he going to his large closet, digging inside. "Hey Brianna, you say needed a doll right?" He pulls up a Tiana Sometimes box. "I was gonna give this to Luz when we were little but grew out of it, you can have it,"

The boy throws the box to Brianna, smiles big to see a one of few hundred classic Tina Sometime dolls, looked at Gus with a small smile.

Patty pulls up a pink bag with a logo, inside are three boxes in it. "And Superman gives you this as an award, one of the top places in New York, frozen dairy cafe,Sweet Justice,"

The group at the gathering was having an absolute blast. Howard, Randy, Eddy, and Kick were fully engrossed in a game on Gus's newest gaming system while Dipper and Spud watched liking the game, their eyes glued to the screen as they navigated their way through the levels. Double D, Blossom, and Edward were deep in discussion about one of the study books they had on, taking turns to read interesting passages to each other. Ed and Gabby, meanwhile, were contently flicking through a comic book, chuckling at the funny illustrations. Jake had a rocking section at the music place to himself and had his headphones on, nodding his head to the beat as he listened to music. Trixie and Buttercup had joined him, and the three of them were rocking out the music from the music system. Meanwhile, the rest of the group watched as Gus tried on his new clothes. He had decided on a gray shirt, a pair of blue loose jeans that looked comfortable yet stylish, and a pair of boots that had already been given to him. Everyone complimented him on his choices, and he beamed with pride as he looked at himself in the mirror. Overall, everyone was having a great time, each enjoying their activities while still being together as a group.

"So...what do you think?" Sarah asked

"Hmm, feel free to run faster in these pants," Gus answered stretch arms. "I just needed something covered myself,"

"You mean a hoodie, why always find something covered?" Flip asked

"One, help cover my watch so hide suspiciously, two...every superhero needs a uniform, and lastly is a habit" Gus explains

"That's reasonable," Mabel stated nodding her head. "Loved my sweaters,"

"So the hair?" Theresa asked weirdly out of Gus having two bangs down.

Gus sees mention of his two spike bangs. "Inspire by our Man of Steel," Then heard his phone ring, see what's calling. "Yeah, Willow-"

"Gus, we got a problem! Turn on the TV!" She screamed in panic.

Gus is confused, he grabs his remote from his TV, and after telling four of them to pause the game, he turns on the news shocked to see the site first got the Omnitrix. Only to see a tree get thrown near the screen, smash a car once landed, and then reveal a giant robot rhino shooting a beam from his horn, shocked to see (Luz) and Amity was the top of a fire tower, which bottom on fire, the shouted to the screen.


In the living room, grown-ups such as Lois, Jimmy, Clark, Lao Shi, Professor Utonium, Scan, Lilith, Eda, and Doris talk to Perry and Martha while Fu Dog and King simply play cards.

"Look, I know you two here, he's staying home," Martha said

"Martha, I know trying to protect the boy, but you and I both know that Gus would jump in to help those in need even if aliens appear, the boy wanna see the world more, you wanna take that away from him," Eda said

"We still let him have fun in summer, but not gonna use the watch," Perry replied

"Mr. and Mrs. Porter, I know what you think, you saw me and my grandkids turn into dragons," Lao Shi stated looking down. "I used to have Jake Long protecting magical creatures, forgetting all about his social life when he was 14,"

"How could you do that?" Martha question

"I just realized, he was just a kid, had friends and life before he became the American Dragon, I realized that he needs a balance between his work and his life, but in full trust in can have the same with your son," Lao Shi state

"I worried about my girls all the time, but I'm always fully trusted and proud of them for what they doing," Utonium added

"Even Superman got people can rely on, be there for him when he needs it," Lois responded secretly holding Clark's hand. "You two can do it too,"

"Perry, Marie, you two wanna your boy become great, why do you two hold him down?" Doris asked

As they stood there, both parents gazed down while holding hands, with a deep desire to protect him from all the world's evils. At the same time, they also had a strong desire to see him grow into a confident and successful individual. They envisioned themselves being there for him every step of the way, providing him with the guidance and support he needed to thrive in life. They knew that their role as parents would be crucial in shaping his future, and they were determined to always be present for him. Then suddenly, Jake, Randy, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup came out of the room startling everyone.

"Kids?" Eda asked

"Luz girl and pink hair Amity in trouble, we need to save them from a robot rhino!" Buttercup answered as Jake opened the door, and all of them took off.

Perry, Martha, Doris, Eda, and King are shocked at their friend in trouble, until seeing Gus run out as he begins wearing some worn-out army jacket with loads of patches.

Doris looked at Gus when he was wearing. 'Is he wearing grandfather's jacket?''

Once they got outside, they were about to hear a certain voice from a certain mother Gus.

"Where do you think you're going, young man?" Martha asked as she glared at her son with her arms crossed and tapping her foot.

Gus looked in the distance, seeing a bit of fire smoke from the forest. "I going to help my friends,"

"Let them do it, they already got powers, and you're grounded," Martha responded

Gus looked at the forest again, the fire growing, and tightened his fist. "My friends need me,"

"Gus, this needs to stop, go back to your-"


A moment of silence fell into place, and all of them were shocked by Gus's sudden talk back...his first time. Martha was in complete shock at the tone and volume her son just yelled at her with anger. Finally, after what felt like eternal, the boy didn't look at his mother, only his voice broke. "Mom, I need to go...I need to fight, they don't just need the watch...they need me, please understand. I don't care if you grounded me forever, or even disown me...I will help them!" He activated the Omnitrix.

Martha was surprised when he said the last part. "Wait...Augustus-"

The boy turns into his speed alien. "5XD!" He announced. Immediately after transforming, it leaves a dark blue and black blur.

Martha still has the same look, but the last part struck her, something is happening to her son. "Disown? Why does he think that?"

The others came out of the house, and Flip spoke. "I think you should talk to him, you two his parents, plus you the captain!"

Perry and Martha looked at each other, the wife turned on her phone. "This is Martha, I needed the fire apartment and some backup in the forest,"

With his heart full of determination ablaze, 5XD ran through the town with lightning speed. Suddenly, he saw an explosive coming from the forest, and his heart sank as he thought of his friends in danger. But he knew that he couldn't give up. They were everything to him, and he would do anything to protect them. With every step, he felt the fire within him grow stronger, and he knew that he had the power to help!

His watch icon begins glowing in blue neon, as begun to transform! large wheels attached to his heels crystallize below the ankles with tires composed of blue energy and half of his tail is also blue energy. He has grey armor on his torso and arms, armor plating on his thighs, and white lines schemes. A moss-like substance can be seen on his forearms and his back. He wears a gray metal helmet with an energy plume at the tip, and the helmet also has a blue energy visor which has a white 'X' on it and covers his face.

"What...the...AHHHHHHH!" 5XD screams as begins to go fast. Then fast that leaves a blue and white blur.

In the forest, it's a total battle zone, Ninja throws his Tenju Fireball at the rhino robot but only blocks with his armor, Buttercup, and Bubbles try at least to break the armor but only absorb their attacks, getting bigger in the minute, Blossom and American Dragon absorb the fire to saved Amity and Luz...while helping fighting down rhino is...Willow and Bat?!

"I don't get it, who's the one on top?" Bubbles question

"Some look alike, let's keep him away from the tower!" Bat shouted

"How exactly, he absorbs our punches, getting bigger and uglier!" Buttercup shouted

"Well...we just come up with some-" Willow responded looking up and seeing a large trail of dust coming to them. "What's that?"

All of them saw a large trail of dust coming to them, making a big turn that covered a wave of sand on the fire tower, stopping the fire...but only Amity and Luz alike pile of dirt.

"I get him for this," Amity said in deadpan.

"At least fire is out," Luz alike respond

5XD looking at the others. "Hey guys, what did I miss?"

"Nothing, dude, you look the cheese!" Ninja shouted

"How exactly?" Bat asked seeing Gus get a new form.

"I guess thanks to the crystal," 5XD answered looking at the robot rhino. "Alright rhino head, what you want with Porter?"

"I know what you are..." Horace said alarmed everyone especially 5XD, glaring deeply. "Thanks to my master, I finally get my revenge for ruining my life, Grosstus!"

5XD realized who he was, by saying that name. "Horace?"

"Not anymore...with this new suit..." Horace started charging up his horn and spoke. "Called me EXO-SKULL!"

Exo-Skull shoots out his energy beam, and only 5XD dodges it, the beam causes a large fire cross. The others are shocked to see this, so they do their best to stop it, 5XD charges at Exo-Skull as dodges his big robot fist, and the robot rhino seeing 5XD runs off. "Get back here!" He started stomping and chasing the fast alien.

Bat sees Kit come down with energy steps with Luz alike. Both Bat and Kit hug each other until realize what they're doing, both separate and blush.

"Umm...should you guys help them?" Luz alike question

"Sure, can you please, change what you are, just who you are?" Amity asked

The Luz alike is seeing, not escaping so...she shows them her true form.. has a small, chubby serpentine body with two arms and a fishlike tail in place of her legs. Her face is round with wide eyes and a turned-up nose. She has a catlike mouth in a "W" shape with two small teeth poking out from her bottom jaw with her lower lip being a dark maroon color. She has pale, swamp-green scales with cream-colored spots on her head, tail, underbelly, and the bottom half of her face. There are tufts of navy-blue hair on her head, back, and ears. Her eyes consist of yellow-gold pupils, black irises, and aqua sclera. She has off-white fins on the sides and tip of her tail, along with a dull peaco*ck-blue piercing on the tip.

"I'm...a Basilisk," She introduced.

5XD takes away from any trees or any building so nothing gets blown up by the raging robotic rhino, He sees a few lasers almost hit him but dodges them, seeing the whole abandoned power station and making the fast alien smile, knowing his plan. 'Perfect,'

Exo Skull breaks a tree that is in his way. "You like being hunted freak?"

5XD looked back while running. "Would you

please look who's talking?"

Exo Skull shoots his energy beam, misses 5XD, but feels weaker. "I may be a freak, but I'm not a coward! even the old me beat you down, make you run away scared!"

Exo Skull sees a working lamp post, charges it, and breaks it, once he steps on the ground where the lamp post is, feeling electrical surging.

5XD made inside of the factory. "I scared alright scared another forest fire and bystander will get hurt gotta lure him someplace deserted, the best thing is an abandoned place."

Exo Skull burst in, seeing 5XD. "Think you hide from me in here...think again!" He charges up his horn and then begins shooting his energy beams rapidly.

5XD dodges left and right, it's too easy, he begins to hit Exo Skull fast speed, but only getting bigger like...Parasite, explain the purple armor parts. 'Of Course,'

"You think gonna beat me with those small attacks?!" Exo Skull question slams his fist to the ground, creating a rumble but 5XD dodges it, the robot rhino looking around. "Where's do you go?!" Then flashes of red light, and turn to see Gus who has his hoverboard with gear on. "There you are!"

Gus got a smirk on his face. "Yeah, and I think I don't need any alien powers to beat on, you big hippo!" Gus begins to fly deeper into the factory. "Let's go for a run!"

Exo Skull gets angry, following Gus while leaving and shape holes behind.

Back in the forest, which is now in smoke and loads of trees are burnt to a crisp, the fire department putting out with water while the main heroes are relaxing near Eda's RV.

"Great work kids, Hooty is almost done recharging," Eda responds looking inside her place.

"So what with do the imposter?" Amity asked looking at the entrance.

"Camila and Luz talked to her," King answered

Inside the RV sitting on the couch while Camila and Luz look at her with mixed feelings. "So you take my place just to escape from someone?"

"Yes, someone using my people for the mess up reasons that result in my parents wanna me to separate from them so I can escape..." She explains tears leaking out. "I...I don't wanna think of what happened to them,"

Both Nocedas felt sorry for her, she lost everything,'s time for her to start new in this new world. "Well...Doris is a lady with secrets, she kinda helped get you in, and..."

Luz smiled at her. "I always wanted a sister, you got a form that suits you and a real name?"

The Basilisk looked at them in surprise, she smiled with tears going down in joy, and she found people who accepted her for who she was. She stands up while changing into a form that looks different; her human form's appearance differentiates herself as firm built; her hair is green with blue tips, resembling her fins, and she keeps her basilisk ears which blend into her hair. Her skin color is brown lighter, though still similar enough to easily pass as a member of the Noceda family, and her legs have more muscle mass. She also retains her basilisk eyes, but the sclera is now white. wears a yellow and orange striped sweater, blue torn pants, and brown boots.

"I'm Vee,"

Outside, everything is getting croast and clear until certain parents find their child, then seeing a big laser coming from the distance causes everyone mostly two worried.

"Augustus," Perry and Martha said in unison, the wife spoke. "SWAT team, go to the laser and see what's happening!"

SWAT Trucks began to drive off, while the fire department finished their work, drove off, as Luz and Camila introduced others to Vee...As so finale, Hooty spots a camp parking spot, seeing another RV that looks brand new. "Ooh..."

Gus sees the hole in the factory, looking at Exo Skull with a sly smile. "Why, so slow can't you aim at me?"

Exo Skull growls in anger and keeps shooting out his energy beam at Gus who uses sharp skill to fly through the place, getting the place crumbling from the roof while a few machines...due all the beams shooting, Exo Skull getting weaker, like whole body is shutting down.

Gus saw this and spoke. "I can't help noticing you've stopped...what's the matter...a cat can't catch a mouse?"

Exo Skull grows angry, charging at Gus who flies off, he keeps dodging the fist rapidly, even hitting the wall, and begins to shoot a laser as Gus ducks down to dodge the laser, creating another hole in the ceiling. Exo Skull falls to his knees, breathing heavily, and the red energy disappears.

"Thank you see my mistake was trying to crack open that suit," Gus responded looking at Exo Skull.

Exo Skull having difficulty standing up and ambling to Gus. "N-Nothing can do that...master told me...I'm penetratubal..."

Gus nodded. "True and if nothing can penetrate it you can't get energy for your whole body to work, it's probably for a power station if you think of...but it's abandoned..."

Exo Skull shocked realizes that the boy tricked him, he may be in a power station, but with no trace of power, he slowly goes to a nearby large machine. "I...gotta...get...power."

Gus needed to finish, so he activated his watch, as he selected his alien icon, he jumped off his board and pressed his watch, changing into his electric yeti."Bolt Foot!"

Bolt Foot, the superhero with the ability to absorb and control electricity, descended from the sky and landed in front of Exo Skull. The villain was clad in a massive robotic suit, adorned with purple accents. Bolt Foot wasted no time and began to smash the purple parts of the suit, destroying it piece by piece. After rendering the suit useless, Bolt Foot focused his attention on Exo Skull himself. He grabbed the shoulders of the suit and began to absorb all the remaining electricity, draining Exo Skull's life force. The villain screamed in agony as he felt his power being sucked out of him. The giant robot rhino, which had been Exo Skull's source of power, powered down and fell to the ground with a deafening thud. Bolt Foot's timer beeped, indicating that his power was running low. He transformed back into his alter ego, Gus, and landed on the chest of the defeated Exo Skull. He looked down at his enemy and spoke, "You have lost Horster, come every one, to see the biggest jerk that ever lived!"

Exo Skull felt extremely dehydrated, and couldn't think straight. "I swear...I gonna crush you...promise master"

"Horster, what you got yourself into?" Gus shook his head in shame.

"Only mama calls me Horster, you're not my mama, not my mama...mama..."

"I think you should tell me the truth," Gus respond

Exo Skull began to whine. " I have to go to school?"

Gus leans in. "Horster...tell Mama...who's your master?"

"We don't ever use the B himPhilip," Horace answered

Gus gets suspicious until hearing footsteps, making the boy turn around, loads of the SWAT team come, only to see Exo Skull but no Gus in sight.

Back in the forest, everyone is counted for, gathering by Eda's RV which is now built bigger and longer with a total of sixteen tires, having a symbol of a bird that looks like Owlbert on both sides.

"You better leave before they return," Doris muttered

"Hey, Hooty always likes something shiny," Eda said but inside happy as a child her home is better than ever.

Hooty burp while giggling. "Excuse me."

Luz took Amity away from the group and they sat down on a bench. They were both quiet and avoided looking at each other until they spoke at the same time, "I need to tell you something." They fell silent again, blushing, but eventually giggled at what had happened.

Gus 12 - Chapter 15 - NavyHeart (1)

" go first," Luz said

Amity smiled, she scooted a bit closer to Luz and spoke. "Luz, I remember the first time we met, I was a bit confused by your unique habits and mannerisms. However, as we spent the summer together with others, I began to see you in a different light. You showed me that life is not just about achieving one simple goal, but it's about striving for something bigger and more meaningful. Your positive attitude and outlook on life were truly inspiring, and you helped me see that there is more to life than just following a predetermined path. By spending time with you, I learned that each of us has the potential to leave a lasting legacy, one that goes beyond the limitations of our past or present circ*mstances. Thank you for showing me what it means to live life to the fullest."

Luz blushes at her words, scoots closer, and smiles at her. "Despite the challenges and obstacles that we face during the first month, we must never forget the people who have helped us along the way. Amity, the thought of you losing everything in the fire is unbearable, and I am driven to do everything in my power to save you. You have been my guiding light in learning magic with Eda, and your teachings have been invaluable. But you have become so much more than a teacher or mentor to me. You have become an integral part of my world, and I am forever grateful for your impact on my life."

As the two magical girls stood facing each other, there was a spark of attraction neither could deny. They leaned in closer without realizing it, and their lips kissed gently. At first, both girls were surprised by the suddenness of the moment, but as they relaxed into the softness of each other's lips, they closed their eyes and embraced the sensation. The kiss deepened slowly, and the girls savored every moment of it. They could feel their emotions intensifying as they allowed themselves to be lost in the moment. It was a beautiful afternoon, and the girls were grateful for the opportunity to express their feelings for each other in such a meaningful way. As they finally pulled away from each other, the girls looked into each other's eyes, feeling more connected and in love than ever before. It was a magical moment that they would never forget.

Everyone is ready for the departed, as Gus flies down on his board, he scans his board back to his watch. "Man, it's so is a long day,"

"It sure is, we promise not to talk to the cul-de-sac," Double D said as Hooty shot out his portal beam. "Time to go home,"

"Well, it's needed for payment," Eddy stated holding up his hand,

All looked at Eddy in a bit annoyed but Gus smiled, knowing what he wanted, Gus pulled out his hand. "Okay, this will least get candy for the rest of the summer," He throws an object from his pocket.

Eddy captures it, seeing a total hand-fit green crystal, his eyes turn into green bills. "We're rich!"

"Jawbreakers!" Ed shouted as he and Eddy ran into the portal while waving goodbye to everyone.

Double D at everyone shouted. "Thank you all for the company, hope cross pass again!" He runs into the portal as he disappears.

"Who's next?" Lilith question

Kick goes to Gus. "Bro, you just me, my sister, even my annoying brother...if you needed crash near my place, I'm your guy,"

Gus fist pump Kick. "No problem, thanks for giving me a drive to do stunts."

Brianna approached him with an annoyed expression. "You may be a nice know-it-all dweeb, giving me this doll out of kindness, but one thing is for sure-" She grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to her, whispering with a smirk. "You're the kind of guy who could make a girl happy. If there's no boy in my town as good as you, I might have to find you." She let go, leaving Gus with widened eyes. "Bye, Porter," she said, as she and her brother walked through the portal. Before the portal closed, Kick left everyone his signature peace signs, while Brianna gave Gus a wink.

The boy still has his widened eyes. 'I think she...what dad says when comes mom 'take charge'?'

Then felt a slap on his back, and turned to see Freya with a smirk. "I saw that boy, you got her,"

Dipper turns to others. "Thank you all for everything, I hope we can meet again soon, I think we will,"

Mabel looked straight into Gus's eyes. "Here's an award for saving us...including me!"

Gus felt a peck on his cheek, which made his eyes widen. Mabel blushed and smiled, while Dipper facepalmed in deadpan. Freya thought things were getting a bit too far, so she grabbed Mabel by her hair and the three of them went into the portal. "Oh, come on Mabel," the boy said.

"Guess we're up, it's nice to hang out with you all!" Randy shouted as he and Howard waved.

Theresa also waves. "It's good to meet all of you and thank you for saving us,"

"Please look after him, he probably doing truly stupid stunts that come with being the Ninja," Luz said

Theresa shook her head. "You have no idea..."

As they stepped through the portal, Howard did a gun finger shooting as did a wink and Theresa gave them a warm goodbye. Randy bids farewell with a final trick and shouts, "SMOKE BOMB!" before disappearing.

The Long Family, Spud, and Trixie stand at the spot to teleport to New York, before Gus asks them. "Wait guys, three things that wanted to say something to each of you,"

"Of course young Porter, anything?"

"Lao Shi, you know any person called Philip, Vilgax is gone for now, I'm pretty sure someone created Horace's suit,"

Lao Shi looks down. "Hmm, it's true I sharp mind young Porter... it seems I looked up to Philip person in Dragon Council,"

Gus spots the female dragon. "Haliey, you smart girl in magic, we can have help knowing face, should I call you sometimes,"

Haliey smiled with a tint of red on her face. "It will be my pleasure,"

Gus turns the last one. "Jake, cane you, Spud, me do those cool break dances, saw a girl who did it in New Orleans also you gotta help me to learn,"

The three of them smiled, and Jake spoke. "No problem bro, you be a pro when get used to it,"

Willow smiled. "Hope to see that Rose girl soon, she sounds nice!"

As so Lois, Jimmy, and Clark looked at the kids and nodded, The NewsKid Legion went to Gus, who looked away with a frown. "Hate to say goodbye to you guys, hate me keeping this a secret,"

All of them hugged Gus much to his surprise, Patti spoke. "Don't think like that Gus, we never hated you!"

Edward looked at his friend. "You saved our lives, we thank you for that,"

Gabby pulled away and smiled at him. "My friend is all those superheroes, that is so cool,"

Gus turns to the last one, Flip, she looks at him with a frown and crosses her arms, all of them separated, he goes to her, and looks at her while frowning. "Flip?"

"You lied to us, me, to again, captured by an insane alien overlord,!" Flip shouted the last four raised voices making Gus flinch. "But..."

It was such a heartwarming moment when Flip hugged Gus, who was caught off-guard. Although it was not her usual character, Gus could feel the sincerity in her embrace, and he reciprocated with a hug of his own. They stayed in each other's arms for a little while, both wearing genuine smiles on their faces. It's moments like these that remind us of the importance of their connection and how it can brighten up their day.

Flip pulled away and spoke. "Don't think I get you a special treatment, you still the annoying dweebus,"

Gus frowns at her attitude, then only smiles. "Well, I am indeed annoying and thing for sure..." He got a smirk on his face. "I not the shortest one in the group,"

Flip eyes widened, in the background is a chart with NewsKid Legion standing on a wall, Patti is tallest, Edward is second, Gabby third, Gus is fourth, and she is dead last...she gets angry. "WHY YOU!"

Patti and Edward grabbed Flip and pulled them toward Lois, Jimmy, and Clark...Flip struggled to break free as shouted. "If you keep calling me short all the time, I'll make you drop on your knees!"

Lois sweat drops, and waves at them. "Take care, everyone, thank you for saving, see you guys later!"

All of them are now teleported away until Scan's RV begins to drive in the portal, Scan is driving while Sarah waving to them in the passenger seat.

"Bye Guys, Bye Gus, hope to see you guys soon!" Sarah shouted happily.

As so the portal disappears when RV goes through it, the residents in Gravefield simply enjoy a bit of reunion until all of them speak to one another.

"You sure wanna keep traveling, honey?" Gilbert asked

"Yeah, please, I growing with them and controlling my emotions, plus..." Willow answered turning to the others. "I wanna get closer to them,"

Camila looked at her daughter. "Hijo, you sure?"

Luz nodded with a smile. "Yes, I have learned so much, learning and..." She holds Amity's hand. "Wanna spend time with Amity more,"

Camila and Vee smiled at her, and the mother spoke. "Then you have my permission to keep on having fun, and be careful doing hero's work,"

The last one is the Porters, who came without any vehicles at all making it more mystery, the boy looked away with a frown. He thinks of the screaming from them, even the glaring but only felt...a hug, from his father and his grandmother.

"Are you okay?" Doris asked with worry.

"I'm good," Gus responded with a small smile.

"Augustus, why are you so sad?" Perry asked

"I thought you guys were mad at me, thought I doing is illegal, with this watch, see me as," Gus answered with a breaking tone.

Both of them were shocked to hear this, then hugged him once again, Perry spoke. "Augustus, we don't carehowyou got the watch, we care what youdowith that watch,"

"You the one that you think is it for helping people, becoming a hero instead of hiding," Doris said grabbing hold of Gus's shoulders, making sure he looked at her. "Don't you have any idea how proud I truly are an amazing grandson I could ask for,"

Gus smiled at them, until the last one... happened to be his mother, both Gus, and Martha looked at each other, but they both stayed silent even for the last few minutes until the boy spoke.

"Mom, you always supported me when times I needed you," Gus responded looking at his watch. "This watch is stuck to my wrist, which means I need to be used to it for good, helping others in the greater award, like your badge," He placed his hand on his watch. " my badge, please...let me join my friends...and I have another power-"

"It's about controlling any technical and sparks?" Martha question

Gus surprised at her answered. "How?"

Martha answered by removing something from her eyes, revealing having contacts, revealing blue eyes. The boy realizes he got it from her, she goes to her son. "I...more of a construct energy than technical, Augustus, you need to realize...understand being a hero isn't like those shows, books, or video games! This is real, there's no second chance, and you!"

Gus sees her away, and he shouts with a begging look. "I understand the risk, Mom!"

Martha turns to him with a few tears. "You...don't!"

Martha looking at him, only closes her eyes, turns away, holds up her heart, sings. "You didn't know thatwhen..." She held her hand and created small sparks. "I tried this all before,my pride is my mistake..." She only throws her sparks to the ground, Gus goes to the sparks, seeing them disappear, and only feels his shoulders, making him look at her with a few tears going down her face. "And in the end, I won't lose it all again...Now you're the only thing worth fighting for. More than anything, more than anything." She hugs her son with comfort and protection. "I'll shelter and adore you more than anything."

Gus pulled away to look at her. " I need you to know that I can protect myself-"

Martha looked at her son. "I just don't want you to lose..."

Gus is saddened at his mother's depressed look. "Mom..." He sang to her, with a small smile. "When I was young..."


A seven-year-old Gus is in pajamas and sees his mother in the backyard, she turns to the entrance and spots her son looking at her curious about why she is out at night time.

"I didn't really know you at all, I always felt so small..."

So...she made him join her, and let him sit on her lap, both sitting, on the porch, looking at the blue night full of stars and the full moon, Martha tells him the stories of her 'adventures beyond the stars,'

"But I heard your stories and I was enthralled...t hе tales about your heroic deeds, I listened breathlessly,"

Gus gazed up at the twinkling stars with a radiant smile. As he listens to the stories being told, his mind fills with wonder about the mysteries of the universe. He deep desire to make a difference, to help and protect each planet in his heart.

"Imagining it could be me..."

Gus yawns, getting sleepy, Martha stands up begun to walk inside, she spots Perry simply doing the latest clues for his news story, seeing his wife and his sleepy son. So both parents walked to Gus's room, placing their child in bed...the mother kissed the forehead for comfort.

"So in the end, it's the view I had of you, thatshowed me dreams can be worth fighting for..."

They walk out, not noticing that Gus is a little awake, he has a new goal in mind and heart...helping those in need and Fighting off evil from Earth or space.

Flashback ends...

Gus smiled at her, knowing he was fighting for more than glory or fame, he was fighting for those who survived another day, defending the weak, making things right. "More than anything..." Looking at Willow with her dads, she smiled at her friend knowing she was always on his side. Then looking at Camila, Vee, Eda, Lilith, King, Luz, and Amity who are both holding hands, Hooty with a teary eye. "More than anything..." He turns to his mother with a big smile of confidence. "I need to save my world more than anything..."

Martha realized her son had it, her, Perry's, and even Doris' traits, he got all of them, making her son change things on this planet, she smiled. "I've been dyin' to find out who you are..."

Both walk to each other as the boy continues. "I've been waiting, wanting the same thing..."

They're face to face, as she kneels to her son, face to face. "Looks like you have my fire spirit along..."

Gus rolls his eyes. "Took you awhile..."

Martha only hugged him. "I've missed that smile."

Both begin to dance around, have a lot to take in a whole day of argument, now finally, mother and son see eye to eye, and they're singing in unison. "All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are that we can start again, not be pulled apart again..."

Martha created an energy sphere by spreading her arms, making her and Gus float in the air, and then she grabbed her son as she began to fly all over. "'Cause, in the end, you are part of who I am..."

Gus is amazed to see his mother can do this, as she sings seeing the starry skies. "I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store..."

Gus hugged Martha's shoulder and sang. " And who could ask for more?"

Martha sings to her son, who touches the sphere, causing sparkling waves making everything is now waves like a sound. "More than anything...more than anything..." Then she throws Gus in the air and he sings, touches the top as it vibrates. "More than anything...more than anything..."

The whole sphere shattered in sparkles, Martha caught her son as both hugged each other, having a few tears in their eyes and sang in unison. "I'm grateful you're my son/mother more than anything..." She landed on the ground, as they finished their song. "More than anything..."

Martha looks at her son with a frown. "Are you sure you are okay out there?"

Gus with a confident look. "Like you say, Mom, if someone tries to hurt me...punch them in the face!"

She smiled proudly, and hugged her son, snuggling. "That's my baby boy!"

All of them were sweatdrops, that lady making her son into something that guy dressed in a bat costume in a city that gloomy and depressed.

"Huh... Mom," Perry said, a little uneasy about what was happening.

"Just let them have their moment," Doris responded

Martha turns to Eda and Lilith. " know what to do?"

Eda nodded. "I promise, he be safe and happy,"

Willow is confused. "Wait, how did you get here without driving?"

All the adults looked at each other including Vee, all going towards Martha while others spoke.

"Willow, be sure to take pictures!" Harvey shouted while Gilbert waved.

"I will!" Willow shouted waving at them.

"Luz, Amity...stay safe out there!" Camila said as Vee smiled at them.

"Be sure Vee is a full citizen," Luz responded while Amiy waved at them.

"Gus, always remember what we say," Doris states making Gus nod.

"Proud of who you are," Perry added up

Martha looking at them, mostly at her son with a comforting smile, said a bit sad yet happy. "Stay safe kiddo?"

Just that, everyone holds hands or shoulders, Martha teleports them all in a flash, and the main group sees whole sparks on the ground.

"Whoa, your mom is so another level," Willow commented

"Yeah, wait...did you guys?" Gus asked looking at the new improved RV.

"Hooty was hungry, and new improvement in the place," Eda answered liking the design. "Well, hurry up...time for us to get going, and don't worry, we got your stuff Dweebus, just needed to get new clothes, next stop, any place than here,"

All of the kids smile big and run to the RV, while Lilith is the only one outside, she frowns, thinks now alone in the town, thinks just found a place that might be useful to her, so...she summons her staff, about to start flying...

"What do you think you're going?" A familiar voice.

She turns to see Eda, with a small smirk, having her arms crossed. "Get in here,"

Lilith is awestruck. "I...I...I thought you were mad at me,"

Eda growled a little. "I am mad at you..." Lilith's shook, but Eda's face softened up. "But you saved me and Luz's life shared my curse, and above are still my sister,"

Then spots the kids, and wonders what they will say, Luz simply speaks. "You sense wanted by the Paladins, you can come with us, but you still curse Eda, I keep an eye on you,"

"That makes two of us," Amity stated bit glaring, not trusting after she took Luz.

Willow sighed as she looked at Lilith. "If you wanna our trust, need to prove it to us,"

Gus in the window with King. "So come on, let's go, we needed to get going,"

"Continue our summer vacation!" King shouted

Lilith smiled a little, relieved to have them with her, and began walking to the RV. Eda patted her sister in comfort as Hooty started up the RV. Eda took the driver's seat while Lilith sat in the passenger seat. Luz and Amity sat at the table, holding hands. Willow sat with King in a comfortable chair, petting the small creature. Meanwhile, Gus smiled as their adventure continued. Eda was glad to have her sister back. Speaking of Owl Lady, she looked at Gus through the mirror and noticed the boy's jacket, a little disgusted by how old it was.

"Kid, I know following your family's footsteps but that is so not your style, so here is my award for stopping Vilgax, Lilith...I need a little help," Eda said making a small orange circle.

Lilith sees the jacket, sees also agrees on it. "Yes sister," she made a small blue circle.

Both sisters join their circles into one large circle and move towards Gus. They touch Gus's jacket, which begins to glow and float off the boy. The jacket transforms in terms of size, patches, and coloring. Once the transformation is complete, the jacket is put back on the boy, and the glowing stops. Gus is now wearing a perfectly fitting dark blue jacket with all-black patches. One of the patches has the number '12' inside.

Gus 12 - Chapter 15 - NavyHeart (2)

"Wow, that suits you, Gus," Luz comment

"I must say, that looks like you finally getting serious," Amity added

"You finally growing up," Willow state

"I hope I be cool as you," King amazed

Eda raises her hand. "Well done sis,"

Lilith high five Eda. "Same as you...Hooty, teleport us somewhere that we need some relaxation,"

Gus smiled big, he felt so much joy having this time with his friends, the portal appeared, and the boy raised his watch in the air and shouted. "Best summer of my life!"

As so...the RV going through the portal, disappears, leaving showing a large full moon.


Sparks hits the dark room, having screens all over...having magical creatures, and loads of samples underneath them...Unicorn's hair, harpies' claws, minotaur's horn, mermaid's tail, fairy's wings, and loads of samples are sucking all the energy into Gus's watch ring that was built by Scan!

A big fat man in the blacksmith outfit puts in the water a red hot object and, once it finishes, pulls out revealing it to be a silver giant wrist gauntlet. "Yes..."

Another man who is tall and wearing a lab coat, is typing in the computer, all the tech pieces putting together the watch ring, turning crimson was making an 'X' faceplate. "Yes..."

Both of them come together, placing the wrist gauntlet down, then the faceplate down, causing a giant red energy shockwave, causing red lines to go through the gauntlet, both of them smile. "Yes..."

Coming in is a small lady with brown skin, and dark black comb hair covering one of her eyes, which is red. Having on a white and golden dress with black heels. "It is ready you two?"

Two of them placing the watch on a case turns to her. "Yes, Kikimora...theAlchetrixis ready,"

A double door opens by two guards, coming in is a shadow figure, walking down as loads of gray armor guards bow to him, and torches lit up when the shadow figure goes through the hall. Then the shadow figure stops in his tracks by sees the wrist gauntlet, the Alchetrix is holding up by Kikimora. In front of them sitting on a throne is a giant man wearing a golden mask with large horns.

"Loads of man has tried it on but died in the process...if you truly my elite warrior, you put it on to prove your worth,"

The shadow figure looked at the Alchetrix, he grabbed it and opened up seeing two sharp needles in it, with a huge deep breath. He slammed it on his left wrist, but once made contact with his skin, he felt needles but even worse...the overwhelming surging coursing through his wrist, throughout his whole body. He made a bloody scream, and fell on the ground, holding his wrist, seeing red energy going through his body...then everyone but the man on the throne looked at the figure morphing in a gruesome way even Kikimora stepped away out of fear. Until he stops changing, going back to his normal self, as red energy stops as well...all of them think he's dead until the shadow figure stands up, looks at the man, goes to him, and acts to knee before him.

"I knew you become a true warrior, here's your targets."

The screen shows the main heroes' faces, each one battling out their enemies.

"Owl Lady is the criminal and Lilith is a traitor, your team is in will find them, learn their abilities, fight them if you must...end them to please my liking, do you understand me..."

The firelight fills the room, showing the shadow figure; happens to be the teenage boy, has a fair complexion, a slightly hooked nose, dark magenta eyes, thick black eyebrows, a gap between his front teeth, bags under his eyes, and ash-blond hair that is shaved below the top, with a long, jagged forelock. He has a notch on his left ear and scars on his right cheek. He wearing a full black suit and boots with yellow schemes, even having fingerless gloves.

Gus 12 - Chapter 15 - NavyHeart (3)


Hunter looked up with seriousness. "Yes, Emperor Belos..."

Gus 12 - Chapter 15 - NavyHeart (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.