Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1957, p. 4 (2024)

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1957, p. 4 (1)

secoNo rao Hoar harnessmas Well this reporters his second professional tight end Mou day night and in general the Impression left wasnt much different than the first Howevcn Monday nights card at the Maple Leaf Gar dcnsioronto did serve 1toclear up some firstlight doubts The doubt in whether or not Canadas number one heavyweight 19year old George Chuvaio had anything on thefiull at all The flista only other time we saw Chuvan fight iive hc was in against gClass tub named Sid Russell Sorry we didnt mean to use the word light in the preceding sentence It was more of laugh George brought up glove as if to wipe some dirt of Rus sclls chinrsnd that was it Chuvalos Monday night opponent Walter liafer was supposed to hem competitor in that other event too gsyfinwriditihghrwnh an as the one with ausren didnft in too longbut at least the decision looked authentic And Chuvan look cd like cojnlngjfighlet He proved to this scribe at least that he really knowhla way around the ring He is lightning fast with his lists as Halcnlater confessed The teliin blows in thethird round were beauties Within seconds of the bcl Chuvalo missed right over the head Hater ducked the punch but as he was returning to an upright position Chuvan caught him with another right hand on the hcad that sent him to the canvas whcre Hafer took the mandatory eight count The husky Hafer got to his feet not too steady gladiator and al lowed George to force him into the ropes That was mistake Chuvan ohiigednvith succession of dynamite lofts and rights that again dec oratcd the ciinvas with Hafers huge body Walter it seemed could have rose at the count of nine but probably remembered his wife and child rcn It wouldnt have done him any good to get up anyhow because at this point it was quite evident that Chuvan was boy wholl have to be reckoned with in the very near future by better members of the fight game Before you go out and bet your shirtthat Chuvalowill be the next heavyweight champion of the world just remember that while Hafer proved he was no dummy by winning the sccond roundby wide margin with couple of goodJcIt hands keep in mind too that he was still anobody Hafer is reported is veteran of 10 or more years in the fight racket quote racket In that time however he has fought only one man any note that being Eddie lllxichcn currently ranked among the top live in the world It should also be noted that Machcn too put him to sleep In nutshell Chuvaio leaks good Hes ready for better company and within the year dont be surprised to see him mentioned in the same breath as someof the top ten IllINT N0 ROCKY Al Weill one ofthc most celebrated celebrities in ring histoiy along with the 4000 or so who attended the gningson Monday must have rcalizcdthat his new boy just aint no Rocky Dave Rent the 20yearold who Mr Weill brought from over ome lost his pro debut to Emil Brtko of Pittsburg Penn USA Neither fighter is malnevcntcr as presented on the card and neither fighter can immediately seek new worlds to conquer First they had better learn quitea few things about the game Rent stocky type put his Iicad down for eight rounds and followed Brtko pronoune cd Britko around the ring Brtko allowed Rent to follow him around the ring arid every so often they stopped dancing to paw each other One ludgo and the referee voted Brtko the most damaging pawer The second judge had his best or worst eyeon llent The only other words about this do could be that the big guy the fellow with the name sure gets his way When the gloves were brought into the rig Ir Weill was allowed to maul the whole four of them hcf kin ipick henBrtlkgt handlersuhad no choice but to is th rem ning pair on their boy hands fDA PRELIMS 01the preliminaries we found the light between Tommy Corrick of Toronto and Jimmy Sparks of Detroit the most interesting and somewhat confusing These are little fellows around the ldupound markil7or close tofive complete rounds the fight was stopped in the fifth the boys are really racing around the squared circle Sparks is dancing several different steps and Corrick istrying to look deter mined stalking after him Occasionally punch was thrownby Sparks who held his left hand at his side from where he shot it up very fast In the fifth round at wh point it looked like Sparks was going to he the winner on dc Cprrick threwa couple of good clean punches and referee Sammy Hackett stopped the bout WthWe dont know rlthc second time in his two engagemeiits at the Gardens Pat OBrien of Brantford and formerly of Ireland lost an unpopular decis ion Th me it was to hardworking George Ferenczi er prelim saw Don Ross prove he was too strong for Bob Moore of Sydney Nova Scotia Nothing happened over the six rounds but had to be some kind of decision JUS BEEF Westilll cantsee whyithe Toronto matchmakers cant some new prelim boys Ross and Ferenczi are as dull as cob webs on dusthed JUST NOTE Fiery Phil Watson the yaket yak coach of the New York Rangers stooped to new low last week when he threw blast at his goaltender Gump Worsley Oh yes itis fine to blast your goalie but heres the way Watson did it When dope like Lalande scores three goals in one game how good can the goalie be Why would ult yo ng Hec Lalande It seems Watson or anyone else position his shouldhave one ounceof brains And if La dopeforscoring three goals against Watsons charges who as Phil says then what is Watson em notev rom Garry dwards the fleet Flyer winger who was retu ed his home in North Bay after suffering torn ligaments around his ankl Ile says that his wound is mending and that of course hes rootin for the Flyers tocome through The Junior OHA Dr ts took place in Toronto Monday Through this process the Flyersclaimed Marvin Rutledge of Gravenhurst Juv enilsfiKcnneth Wilcox of Midland Juveniles and David Butters of Collingwood Midgets Peterborough claimed Way Bodey owenSound Barclay Pia gcr of Kirkland 143ka Hamilton Dennis Jordan £0wen Sound Do aid Liilow of Huntsville and Bra Graham of Oman Sound St Cathar incs Darryannechuk of Sault SteMarie and Gilles Pilate of Fort Erie Miirlboros AIIMurrison of Spanish Ken Luzzi of Saulti Ste Marie and Pat Adair Gananoque Gitelph AlbertLem andRou aid Loavny of Timmxh and Gernard Deshamp of Midland St Mich aels Qgllege let the Mar 65 have their choices est tho boysdrafted by thetMajors not be eligible to attend the College leIefroy series which at pres Ant has EImvaIeonc game up Oro Elimmates at at Catharine lea on hockey game flied out Reason for the just complai uple hours later not too pleas ntng was the threeperiod esé hlbltlon ot HowNotToPlayHockey staged by the ante Flyers and the at clubs just sliot the Look Bad On paper the dcchion looks good for the Teepa not so good for the gt Flycr But the truth iath neither out Is going to go anywherexunlesthelr play is improved multifoid The win for the Ice gave thema onevgame leadln best oftlve quarterfinal playoff series in Junior company The next game ls scheduled for the Barrie Arena Friday The third and possibly astgamewillbe played in St Catharinessaturday Had the game been any better more goals would undoubtedly have been scored and the local kids just may have won it They had plenty of chances but were usually lost whenever they go in good scoring position TommyBlack missed at least four scoring opportunities during the 60 minutes At one time in the second session he found him self in theclear with nary Teen between him and goaltender Edwards He movedto within 10 feet of the cage andfrom dead ccntrc missed the act by about threefect Midway through the thirdper iod he had two clear shots but failed to put any steam behind them More Mime Blacks wereriustsome of the scoring opportunities missed fiilly Forhan hadthe puckdrihble off his stick in the first period when he seemed in an ideal position to do the TcePees some damage Jimmy Josephson missed grand opportunity to score his second goal ofthe night just be fore the siren at the end ofthe second period In the third period Dale Rolfe and Jack Kane were foiled on good shotsrand arry Ashbee carried in close the St Kitts net then let goan easy shot Plays such as these added hit of excitement to the otherwise dull coatest but still aminor thrills dont WII hockay games in an attempt to count an extra goalCoach Hap FAnrns of the Flyers pulled lloss Brooks from the net with minute remaining in the secondperiod The Fly era couldnthold the puck in the TeePce zone however and Brooks Barrie Bantams Win Divisionj leak1 Crew The Barrie Bantams won the Canadian Legion Division fEi hockey championship last week endwith 51 victory otter Orillr It the fifth year that theBar pie youngsters hadwon the prize thus they now claim permanent possessiohfof thecup The victory Was sweet revenge forthe LBarrie kids It was this some Orilliatctm that knocked them out of the running in the OMHA playdowns about two weeks ago At the end of the first twenty minutes of playgthe score was knotted at one goal aplecev Larry Garnergwith assists Irom Bob Lines and Gi scored for Barrie at 342 Two lnutesylater Vic Lindsay and Lines put the Barrieboys three tallies up better fate and nary reserve in sight was fair to middlin exhibition marines IjeePees For 80 minutes the trim puck all over the place with the Teeps sparing five times and the Fiyers once had to be reinserted between the pipes Defehsively ther Flycrs werent much better than the forwards Little John McKenzie of the Tecps once agalnjad great night against the Flyers He scored two goalsand with little luck could have potted an additional two or three Kgnzie could break away from his check and be in the openn Don Grosso Nat Ravlich and Bob Corupefired the otherTee Pee goals The Flyers Inne tnarker by Josephson camefrom apassout from the boards by Tom Black Jimmywas standing in front of the net andbackhaaded the disc home lCE CHIPS Big John Chasc cwski threw the games most tell Ing check lntb third period when hecaught Bobby Ewcr of the Teeps at the blueline and kod him He was given anin terference penalty on the play Earlier in the session Chasczewg ski could have changed the style of the tilt had he accepted the challenge to light uttered by Vi gar Gendron Ross Brooks came up with some good saves and dcservcd On several occasions his defence was no where to be found BARBIE Goal Brooks de fence Chasmwski Cherry Dav ison Ashbee forwards Brydson than Rolfe Patrick Josephson Norrena Hall Kane Black Armoured Corps Tanks Nearing league Crovvn The Armoured Corps Tanks worked their way to within 80 minutes of the Borden hockey eha pion hip IastThuxga Knight flft Etch ice ngfwhen they caught the Div Column Benders in one of theirvinfamous off nights and worked an 86ver dict in yteh first game of the best of three Carling Trophy finals 1n the mens niaior bowling group the hunt for playoff foul line space is on with 10 of the 19 clubs looking like fair candi dateson thu loops new average system oftotal pinfali over the seasons play Medical Corps Aescaps are front running the parade wfth 1051 average Headliners are in the second slot with 1024 and the Bulletins out of 15 Company are holding down the show spot with 1022 showing to date The remainder of the clubs are all un der the 1000 averagchvel Service Corps School Wags and RevPaul Fields visitors but of ngus kept pace at the top ofthe Borden hoop loop at both clubs registered win ihthe past week of actionThe Wags turned the staririn easy iashion when the Armoured Corps Tanks failed to produce starting lineup The gamebetween the Angus team and the Services just about got the same kind of treatment withboth clubs LLSIIOWIBX up at game time withstarting lineups of the court game vwhcn it final mrn es to 0n anyoccasion he chose hie it ly got underway With theAngus tea corning strong in the final 10 without 5446 ver The 3000vodd 1m wildfiled into lam en any Gardens sr CATHAIUNES Goal Ed nlght expecting tosee banguppity wards defence Monetmolt Hill man Bottom Horton Gendxon forwards Hoehtn Quenville McKenziei Mlklta Hull Coshurn Makl Groom Corupe Ewcr rm Period Teens McKenzie HoekstraRavllch 450 Teens Grosser Maki Morton 13lil Penalties Chasczewskl 107 Patrick and Nikita majors 624 Kane 1005 Robazia 1328 Kane 1829 Second Period Flyers Josephson Black Chasmwski 445 Teeps Ravllch Mikita Hoekstra Teens Corupe Morton Gendroo Penalties Corupe ison 1893 Cherry 1418Hillman 1837 McKenzie 1325 Ihlrd Period Teeps McKenzie Hoekstra 1446 Penalties Hillman 335 Davi son 551Robazsa 755 Chasczew ski 952 Cosburn1329 Chasczew ski 1602 Cosburn 1885 Shots on goal By home By St 1227 12 1144 Stroucl Holds 4eGoal Lead Stroud took step in the right direction Mondaynight when the hockey club defeated Cliff Browns CecBecs 5d at the Boo rie Arena The win gavethe Stroudmcn fourgoallcad in the twdgame goalstocount series for the South Slmcoe Hockey lleague champion ship Theevening was also sup posed to see Torgis play Thornton in second playoff seriesbut Thornton refused to travel the few miles to play in Barrie NextMonday at 73Dthe Cecl Bees and Stroud will tangle in the series finale The winner of lhisserieswill play Torgis sup poscdn to be playing roll with Thornton Torgis finishcd atop the loop atdndings Back to Mondays action Mur rgy Amos scored aflfirat period for the winners thatvnullifi th only counter by CecBecs Len Kirk From then on Willie Ransom and Duncan Campbell scored two apiece for the winners Only four penalties werehande out two to each side in thethird session in an exhibition tilt Bhrrie Juvenile outsco To Junior Farmers Curling Today The Junior FarrhcrsAnnual Curling Bonspielgot underway and will continue all day At the conclusion of the curlingy the young farmers will enjoy ban quetL Lastlyeanis ohamps from York County are back again with high hopes and talentand confidence to matchof regaining the silver ware full complement or rinks haveentered the daylong spiel thus far and excitement mount ing steadily today atthe Barrie Curling Club and the day has been success TEE BARRIE LEGION BANTAMS that won the District championship for the 111th year are picturedabovefi Front row from left to right are Amos Armstrong Mottatt Harvey Lines Beamish Lindsay and Psutka Middle IIayotfs Started In Little league In semifinals for the second and fourth Pcewcc teams of the Little League Vasey trimmed Goldwater 31 Jim Cowdcn tallied twice for Vascy and Dave Jones scored one Dennis Johnston got gt the Goldwater goal in Bantam match Coldwatcr shutout North llivcr 59 John two apiece and Eddie Perryman got the other Mnonstonc trounced North River 41 in Midget encounter Allan Walker scored twice hon Potter and Crawford one each John Kingsorough notched one for North River Ithunior League semifinals Moonstone beat Honey Harbour 3d Goals forthe winners were by Cecil Lumrce Don Walker and John McCaskcll John thay scoredfor Honey Harbour Coldwater pounded Waubau shcne 74 in the second Junior tilt Don Godfrey chalked up three markers for Coldwatcr and the balance were by Jack Lovec ing DonSallows Don Roach and WillardVaikcr s12Waubaushcne marksman were Leo Copeland twice Steve II Guire and Howard Walker Rc ferces were Godfrey Todd and sallows Tonight in the junior playoffs Vasey meeLs Honey Harbourand Goldwater plays Waubaushenc March in Little League play downs Moonstone clashes with meat in Bantam game and Vasey and Goldwater are matched in the Pewee class Clark and Dave Sallows scored North River in the Midget divi sion North River and Goldwater row Wright Carmichajel 0Hlnes STRIKES SPARES KEMPVIEW MENS LEAGUE First Division Borden 44 Bay ield 39 Supertcst 35 Erassdc Glenn 31 Ernies 30 Crompton 24 Second sion John Lang54 Borden Advances In Air Force Puck Elimination In Dominionltlr Force hockcyat Camp Borden the hosts defeated Trenton Com ets 54 In an outstanding con test The win advanced the local Airmen against St John New Brunswick The loss for IrentonL eliminated that crew from further comm otition in the championships The game against the Bash crn Air Force squad will be played this Saturday at Dyte Hall Game time Is bm Wilberforce was true to his name leading the Trenton pucksters with pair of hits Bocth and Servatiak scored the others For the winning Camp Ber den crcwrPete St Pierre pot ted pair Larry Barton Mac MacDonald and Butch Bachelder singletons by contacting ammo Applications for the catering concession attth THE BARRIECOUNTRYCLUB for the 1957 season willbe received by the undersigned up to March 20 4957 Consideratiomwlll be given applications on contract or salary basis and complete information may be obtained 11 nonmsorf 114 CODBINGTON sr TELEPHONE PA smear PA 66515 its assassins Sl mat NE can Wild PAY YOU T0 VISIT Givenayfl Back row Ted Hardacrc Dougherty King Garner Norrena we wt his arpenter French Ja Crompton Bayileid upertcst vs Brass tponed Wonder John Lang ltToastmaster gutlers Tanning Canada Dry All Bloomfield had thehigh single of 330 Whalen had the top triple score of 781 shame sxanmsn LEAGUE vComets 87 Blue Streaks 863 Klugers 84 Quiet Types 87 ink Spots 57 Routers 40 Mondays Scores Klugers Routers Streaks Quiet Types Comets SpotsI BillWcst hadthemenshighj slngleof 260 Campbell had that top triple 619 Joycc Kcrney women with single of 215 and triple 593 CLARKE curtain LEAGUE Flexibles 68 John As 83 Solesr Slippers 60f Miscellanea 59 Laci ings 59 Cleanables 58 Pyro cks as ridgys Scorics John As Drycleanahlca Flexibles Miscellanea Wm Backs SolesSlippers SlivcrPotrin as usual led the men witha single of 292 and trif pie of 7811 Helen DAmbrosio led the women in the singles tieK partment with 250 Marilyn Law had triple vaoz Minna vlew of every passing scenefiam the wldeobse vation windows of today quilrlous Highw Travellers was we top bowler among the DIM PA $2449 ColdWaler Cs Goldwater Was elimi atedfrom the inter Norther Group aynigh whenDroCo blnc vdiimped them Murray Stoddart led heiCom blues with five goals Walton had threc Hastings twoand hob on Forbes and lIiclding one each For Coldwtaer Peden Hawkc FOR THE DEM IF LIFETIME It NEW did the scor TQRONT Mil or PWEM lMMEDlA DELIVERY ALL MODELS AND COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM ll lll CR DEALS ARE MADE HALWIGS WILL MAKE THE



Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1957, p. 4 (2024)


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